Primary 4/5 Try Out Our Rainforest Games

Primary 4/5 came through today to try out the rainforest games that we had made.

Everyone had a good time. After P4/5 went back to their class we spent time discussing any changes we could make to our games to improve them further. It was a really enjoyable and useful session.

Here are some comments from P4/5.

Emma: I really enjoyed playing all of the rainforest games and I learned lots and I really didn’t know that chimpanzees spent a lot of their time on the ground. You guys and girls have worked really hard.

Frankie: I think they were really good. Some were a bit short and I learned a lot.

Liam: I really liked playing your games. My favourite game was the Top Trumps. I learned a lot about animals like hummingbirds and the South African chimpanzee.

IIsaiah: I really liked them and I learned a lot. I really liked Michaela and Jemima’s game and learnt a lot.

I loved playing the games but I loved Cery’s game the most. I learned that cheetahs are the fastest animal in the whole world.

Tory: I thought it was very, very, very, good fun especially the Top Trumps because the leopard had 93 strength and I learnt a lot about rainforests. Thank you to all of P6/7.

Roman: They were very good, the best home-made games I have ever played. My favourite was AJ, Michael and Bertie’s Temple of Doom.

Abi: I really enjoyed all the games I played. I learnt a lot about rainforests and I can’t believe that in 2030 there might just be about 10% of rainforests left! I would love to try them all again.

Ellie: I really enjoyed playing the games, I want to go back! I learned that in 2030 there will be about 10% of our rainforests left!         Thank you

Evie: I really did enjoy all the games I played and it would like to do some more. I would like to play Cerys’ game.

Hayden:I liked playing the games and my favourite one was the Top Trumps and I learned that a hummingbird’s speed was 91.

Isabel: I really enjoyed all of the games but I really enjoyed Michaela’s and Jemima’s and I learnt a lot about some different animals. Thank you.

Bella: I enjoyed all the games I got to play. In the first game I played I liked learning new facts. In the Top Trump game I liked how you learnt the speed, size, stealth and strength of different animals. In the last game with Emmy and Zara then whenever you landed on a certain space you got a card and it told you a fact and at the end of the fact it said either miss a go or have another go. That game was really long and we didn’t even get halfway to the middle.The last game we played was my favourite but I liked all the games I played. They were fun.








An excellent day at the County Sports



On  Monday the 4th June I went with the South Mainland sports team to compete at the County Sports competition at the athletics track. I was competing in 3 events. I did really well in the long jump coming 2nd with a new pb  4.03 metres. I also did quite well in the high jump coming 3rd and the highest height I cleared was 1.20m. And in the 400m I came 1st and I don’t know my time yet. It was a really good day and I would love to relive winning the 400m again.

by Ciaran

On Monday the 4th June Ciaran, Jacob, Ayla, Cameron, Lewis, Archie and I all from our school got to go to theCounty Sports which was at the Clickimin. I was in the 400 and 800 races, cricketball throw and the high jump. I didn’t do as well as I’d hoped but I really enjoyed myself. Overall our South Mainland team did really well and got 16 medals. I really enjoyed the day and would do it all again.

by Lily-Jane

Yesterday 7 people from Dunrossness got picked to go to the Clickimin to do County Sports. I took part in the high jump and the 400 metres race and I also had to stand in and do the sack race. Our team won the relay race and we won 16 medals between 18 of us. It was a really long day but we all tried our best. Overall I really enjoyed it.

by Ayla

I was doing the 100 metres and high jump. When we got there the events started almost immediately and I had to wait until midday for my events. I did high jump which I don’t really like and I went out quite quickly. I then did the 200 metres and enjoyed that. Then there was the medals  presentation and Archie got five medals. Overall it was really fun and I would love to do it again.

by Jacob

John Muir Day at Kergord

On Monday 4th June the P7s went to Kergord and we took a mini-bus. It was a 40-45 minute drive. When we got there Pete Richards told us what to do and we walked into the woods. John took us on an obstacle course around the trees.Then we went in a broken-down house and had our snacks.

After we got split up into 2 groups to build dens. I was in a group with Molly, Michaela, Lauren and Bertie.

Our den was okay but the other group’s was better. Then we went back to the house to have lunch and John got a fire going and told us about John Muir. Later we went into the middle of the forest and played a game similar to Hide and Seek. Overall it was an amazing day and I would love to do it all again.  (by Declan)

I really enjoyed going to Kergord to do our John Muir day. It was really fun going round and up the trees. I would love to do it again. (Fearghas)

I really enjoyed Kergord because it challenged me to do different things and have fun in the woods.  we did flips over logs and walked on logs over burns and we made dens out of twigs we found.  it was just overall a great day. (Carys)

Yesterday we went to Kergord Woods, I was really scared because I hadn’t brought any of the essentials. Luckily it was a very gentle activity. When we got there we were told to smell the grass and the soil, then we went for a trek around the forest, across the stream, bridges and up trees. Then we arrived in a small den which was absolutely FILLED with midges. We had a snack then we were told to find a good spot and build a shelter out of nothing but wood and then we had a pretty woodland home. After lunch John hosted 5 games of Hide and Seek, but with a slight twist to it. Then it was time to go back on the minibus and be driven back to school. Overall I really enjoyed the experience and would quite like to go again sometime. (By Bertie)

When we got there we walked up a small hill to get to the woods. First we all lay down on the grass and we had to smell it. John said it made him feel calm and he liked the smell……. After lunch we built dens and played a game called ‘The World’s Best Game’. I really enjoyed it and would do it again. (Eve)

Yesterday we went to Kergord on a John Muir Day. We did an obstacle course, climbed trees and later on Pete told us a story. We built dens and played a game of Hide and Seek- it was really fun and I hope to do it again.  (Michaela)

…….Once we had lunch we played a game like Hide and Seek and then we headed back to the mini-bus to go back to school. It was a really fun day and I would definitely want to go back again. (Emily)

,,,,,,,We went to Kergord forest and it was great. We climbed trees and there were some logs over a burn and we had to walk over them. There was an old broken building that we went to. We had our lunch and snack there and John lit a small fire and Pete told us a story. We also built shelters and played a really fun game. I really enjoyed it and can’t wait for the next John Muir trip. (Lauryn)

I had a really fun time at Kergord with Mrs Leslie, John and Pete. First they gave us a backpack, a water-proof jacket and some water-proof leggings……

…….Then we played the best game in the world where someone was in the middle and everyone else had 30 seconds to run away and hide. The person in the middle had to stay where they were and see if they could spot anyone. If they couldn’t then the time would get less and less down to five seconds and the closest one to the middle person wins. Then we ate a clover and it tasted like a green apple. (Molly)

When we arrived we got out of the mini-buses and got told to face-plant the grass and smell the soil and grass. We got to climb up trees and walk across big logs………

……. Then we had lunch and Pete told us a story called The Cat’s Whiskers. After lunch we played a version of Hide and Seek. (Zara)

Tree Planting in the School Grounds

We had a super time helping to plant new trees and cuttings in and around the school.

The weather was brilliant and we even had Sid, the cat, helping us in our work.

We were split into two groups, with one group planting willow cuttings in a wet corner of the nature garden. Luckily, because of the wet soil, it was quite easy to push the willows down into the ground, although we did have a spade and fork if needed.

The other group worked with John to plant a variety of trees outside the Primary 1/2 classroom and Music Room.

As this was a much drier area we had to use a hose to soak the ground and give the newly planted trees a drink.

We will have to put in temporary shelter fencing to protect the new trees over the autumn and winter.

We really hope the new trees and cuttings take hold and grow as well as those we planted in previous years.

A fun time was had by all. We even had time, later on, to sketch some of the established trees and enjoy reading our books surrounded by our growing ‘forest’.


Rainforest Study

We have been learning all about rainforests this term. We’ve learnt lots of interesting information and facts about the rainforests and we’ve learnt that they give us medicines, foods and oxygen.  We made posters about destroying the rainforest, and we also made board games about saving the rainforests to teach other people some facts about it. We looked at all the different animals in the rainforest and sorted them into which countries they came from. We  loved learning about rainforests!

We also made posters about the indigenous people that live in a variety of rainforests across the world.



We were shocked to learn that rainforests are still being destroyed unnecessarily. In groups we chose to find out more about one of the reasons rainforests are still being destroyed. We made information posters to share our findings with the rest of the class.

Rainforest Games

In groups we designed and made Rainforest board games with lots of fun information and facts . We had lots of different ideas and can’t wait untill other classes  play them!

Here we are with the games we made.


P7’s trip to Michael’s Wood

On the 10th of May  P7 went to Michael’s Wood for the day to help maintain it and clean it up. We had to go on the bus to get there. When we got there we got sorted into jobs.

Learning how to protect new trees.

Some people cleaned up moss and some people were painting wooden posts. Molly painted a a little toy house and Ayla and Emily painted an arch, Emily had to go on Ayla’s back to reach the top of it. Before they started painting Molly, Ayla and Emily swept up and cleaned inside the little toy house and the poly tunnel.

Some people were going round with wheelbarrows and picking up sticks that were on the path and other people were planting trees.

Some people were going round with wheelbarrows and picking up sticks that were on the path and other people were planting trees.

We stopped to have snack, we had it in the poly tunnel and it was warmer than it was outside in there.

We helped to plant new trees.

Ally clearing away moss.

Molly painting the arch.

Emily required help from Ayla to reach the high parts!

We worked again after snack then stopped to have lunch. We were allowed to have it were ever we wanted, some people had it at the teddy bears picnic but some people had it on the swings. After lunch we got to play, some people played hide and seek and some people played with the children’s toys. we finished our jobs and then we had lunch . After lunch we played whole class hide and seek in the woods. It was a really good day and everyone enjoyed it.

By Niamh, Ally and Fearghas

RSPB Wading Birds pop -Up gallery

In Art we have been working on detailed drawings of different wading birds which will be exhibited at a pop-up gallery in Quarff Hall on 12th May. This exhibition hopes to highlight the huge decline in some of the waders found across the whole of the UK.

We hope you will come along and see our work.

Here are some of our completed drawings ready to be displayed.


So here they are, the wonderful, fun loving new P6/7s Just another – Shetland site

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