Music Festival

This week was the Music Festival. People from our class had several performances. On Monday 12th  Carys did a piano solo and got gold, Cerys & Michaela did a duet in the open duet and got a gold, and Carys, Niamh and Molly did woodwind solos.

On Tuesday the 13th Cerys, Jemima and Emily ( The Dooblington Trio)  performed as a fiddle trio and got a gold.

On Wednesday the 14th It was our class performance. We performed as a instrumental choir and played White Clifffs of Dover and Pack Up Your Troubles. We got a gold. Lauryn, Ayla, Niamh, Molly, Carys and Zara each performed a vocal solo. Fearghas, Jacob and Michaela performed an accordion solo. Niamh was invited to play at the young musician with her clarinet solo. She didn’t win but said she really enjoyed it. Rebekha Tregonning ( who used to go to Dunrossness) won senior young musician of the year.

On Thursday the 15th we were invited back to perform at the Gala concert. We went on first. There was a raffle and Niamh won a bag of Bressay tatties.

Niamh – Getting into Young Musician was an amazing experience.

Carys – It’s always really fun going to the Music Festival.

Eve – It was a good experience and I enjoyed it.

Jake – It was good, It was really fun.

Christie – I thought it was good and I really enjoyed the schools coming together.

By Cerys, Jemima and Emmy

SMUHA 2018- A brilliant day!

Primary 7 Jarl Squad- ready for the big day!

Michaela- The Jarl……enjoying every minute of the celebrations.

Michaela commented, “SMUHA is one of the best days of the year and having the honour of being the Jarl makes it even better.”

Today is SMUHA and I was part of our school Jarl Squad. First of all we came into school and got into costume, and got our helmets and cloaks. Then we headed outside and it was very cold but I soon warmed up. As we were walking to the football pitch everyone started singing the Up Helly Aa song and The Galley Song, over and over again, until we got there. (My throat was very sore!) After that everyone threw their torches into the galley. We watched it burn for a little while and then went over to the Boddam Hall for snack and to do our acts.

Our act was called The Axe Factor. After all the practising it turned out really good! It was a brilliant day but it was hard keeping it a secret.  Written by Emily

Today was SMUHA 2018. I was in the P7 Jarl Squad. It was a very good experience. At 09:15 we left to go to the Boddam football pitch  where we burned the galley, which was named Lia after Lena, lsaiah and Alex. Then we went into Boddam Hall to do the acts and to wait for the real 2018 Jarl Squad to come. The Squad acts were very good. I especially liked the one about the teacher disco. For our Squad act it was The Axe Factor. After the act a lot of people (mainly P5/6 boys) said, “The cringe crew should have won!” But it doesn’t really matter.

When the real Jarl Squad came it was really good and they could sing so loud! After all that we went out to see the big galley. Then we went back to school. All in all it was an amazing day; the  costumes, act and everything else in between. I also enjoyed all the support, from, what they called themselves, ‘No 1 Cringe Crew fans’.  SMUHA was amazing and I would love to do it again. By Ciaran

Carys said, “ It was a great day, I loved it. I really liked seeing the big Jarl Squad and I’ve got a sore throat from all the singing!”

”It was really great fun. I would do it all again. Michaela was a really good Jarl.” (Niamh)

Emmy commented, “I really enjoyed the Squad acts and it was worth the wait.”

”It was amazing and I would love to do it all again,” said Ayla.

”I really enjoyed walking down to the pitch. Everyone was singing and cheering as loud as they could,” said Lauryn.

”It was amazing. I really enjoyed seeing the big a Jarl Squad and their galley.” (Lily-Jane)

Primary 6/7 WWII Assembly

After several weeks of preparing and rehearsing, Wednesday the 14th finally came. We all loved the assembly and from what they said afterwards we think the audience thought it was AMAZING! We all went into different groups and we made all our own PowerPoints and props, and although we did most of it ourselves we had a little help from Mrs Hay and Mrs Wells.  After all our presentations were finished, we did a play about evacuees which was  really fun, we also got a few laughs from the audience! To finish our assembly the accordions (Fearghas, Michaela, Jacob),  fiddles (Emily,Cerys,Jemima) and flute (Lauryn) played  ‘The White Cliffs of Doverwith the rest of the class singing We even got a couple of tears. We all loved it!

The ‘Evacuees’ play

Written by Niamh and Carys

Sandwick Staff Visit P7

Mrs Adamson and Mr Manson, members of Sandwick Junior High school came into our class on the 25th of January to talk to the P7s about going into high school. It was very  interesting. They told us about the busses, classes, dinners, how much money to bring  and much more. I think  everyone enjoyed it and found it very useful. They told us about some of the school trips that are going to be offered such as the skiing trip to Italy!  I think everyone  had a good idea about Sandwick at the end of it.

Written by Declan and Michaela


SSPCA Visits P6/7

We started off the lesson by playing a Pets Patrol Race game. We had to answer a variety of questions about animals we usually keep as pets. There were some quite tricky ones.

We then watched a video clip showing the various ways in which the SSPCA support farmers to look after their livestock. Inspectors check that animals have enough space, are well fed, and in a healthy condition, with enough food. and water. They check for diseases such as ringworm and for any problems with hoofs. If there are any problems a welfare notice can be placed, with a given time to make the necessary changes.

After this we watched a video about mistreated pets. The SSPCA deal with a great variety of animals including, snakes, ferrets and rats.

We then discussed all the things we need to do to our pets healthy and happy,  including spending time with them and ensuring they have enough space, food and water. We also discussed measures you can take if your circumstances change and you need to rehome a pet.

It really made us think about how important it is to take responsibility for looking after animals.



Spanish Revision

We  had great fun in Spanish today when we used the iPads to revise previous learning. We played Kahoot, a multi-choice game, which not only showed how many of us got the correct answer, but also who was the fastest.

Lauryn and Bertie won the first game, followed by Cerys and Michaela, with Fearghas and Lily Jane coming in third.

Emmy and Niamh won the second round.

The final game revised the vocabulary for days and months and was won by Lily Jane and Fearghas.

We all  loved it and it really helped to remind us of the vocabulary we had previously covered.

Jemima and Zara both thought it was great fun but quite stressful!

Michael said, “It was really good and helpful to learn more Spanish.”

AJ commented, “I enjoyed using the iPads to learn Spanish.”


This week’ s programming challenge was to collect your shopping using  ultra sonic sensors to  stop in front of the package in order to pick it up, then bring it home. This involved lots of maths calculations to work out suitable rotations and distances. We also included sound at suitable times to indicate starting, reversing and stopping. It was another focused and fun session-enjoyed by all.

Spanish Dictation Challenge

Mr Harpe set our class a ‘running dictation’ challenge for our first Spanish lesson of 2018.

He split us into four teams and put up an assortment of sentences in Spanish. We had to run up, look at the piece of paper, memorise one of the sentences, run back and tell our teammates what the sentence was and write it down correctly. It was quite hard but fun. Plus you had to try to spell it right.

In team one was Jake, Ciaran, Christie, Declan, Fearghas and Lily-Jane.

Team two was made up of Michael, AJ, Emmy, Niamh, Ally and Jacob.

Team three had Bertie, Lauryn, Zara, Jemima, Michaela and Cerys in it.

The  final team, team four, was made up of Ayla, Molly, Eve, Carys, Katie and Emily.

In the end Team three won.

We asked some people what they thought of the activity.

This is what they said.

Declan said, “It was good and exciting. It was also fun but a little bit hard.”

Michael said, “I really enjoyed the game. It was a little bit hard to spell the words.”

Cerys said,” It was a lot of fun.

Lily Jane commented, ” It was alright. I enjoyed the game a lot. I found it easy.

“It was very interesting and easier than I thought. I enjoyed it overall,” said Emily.

Written by Jemima and Zara

First STEM visit of 2018

This morning Emma Chittick came to teach us more about technology and how it is changing the way we live and work. The whole class very much enjoyed programming robots to pick up a package and take it to a box in the middle of the classroom and then come back. It was like the robot was a Amazon worker. We had to program it to pick a package off the shelf and take it to a delivery van and go back to the shelf to get another. But there were a few extra challenges we had to include in our programs. We had to add fun sounds in different places  so you could tell what the robot was doing e.g. reversing. One of the robots dropped off their package and made a beeping sound as if to tell other workers they had dropped off a package. And another robot made a cheerful sound when it got back to the shelf. Another robot made a sound to signify that they had started their program.

Towards the end of the session,  we demonstrated our programs to the whole class, two pairs at a time. We also started off all of the robots at the same time to see whose robot would get the package to the middle of the classroom and make it out alive! One robot made in and out all three times without crashing or missing the van! It was really fun and we can’t wait until the next session!

By Lauryn and Molly



So here they are, the wonderful, fun loving new P6/7s Just another – Shetland site

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