In block five, as well as SRA, we will also focus on reading for enjoyment. We will not have set reading pages weekly as we have done up till now. The children will be choosing books to read for enjoyment from the school library or bringing in books from home. We will be thinking about genre (types of books), the plot, setting and characters. Reading time will be given in class but we also expect some regular reading to be done at home.
Peebles Library has a wonderful children’s books section and borrowing books/becoming a member is free.
Please talk with your child about the books they are reading. What they like/dislike about their book, about the plot, setting and characters and any words that they do not understand.
Later in the block, children will be asked to provide a short presentation to the rest of the class on their favourite book. We will be encouraging children to read more than one book during this time.
Many thanks.