This block we are learning about Energy! We have been thinking about different types of energy, fossil fuels, and renewable energies.
Mr Gray came to talk to us about sustainability and renewable energies – he used to be involved in the design and construction of wind farms and hydro stations. We learnt lots about why these natural sources of energy are so important, and how they work. He even brought in some amazing models to demonstrate how wind and water can be used to produce energy!
Write your questions for Mr Gray below!
how does energy from a dam be made into electricity? Holly and Benjamin
Hi Holly and Benjamin,
Water is sent down hill from the dam in large pipes. Once it gets to the bottom of the hill it has a lot of speed. The water turns a wheel called a turbine. The turbine has lots of small buckets that look like spoons to catch the water. The spinning motion is used to turn metal wires inside a large magnet. This creates electricity. I hope this helps.
what happens when you get too much energy
That is a good one. There are engineers that look at where the energy is needed at a particular time and can switch off systems. Wind turbines can be stopped, and coal power stations can be shut down. We can also stop off the flow of water at hydro power plants a bit like turning off a tap.
Mr Gray
how much energy does a solar panel make in an hour?
That is one I am finding hard. I think having a solar panel on your roof for a year would generate enough electricity to do about 4,000 loads of washing. That is a lot of dirty clothes!!
Mr Gray
Good info Mr gray
do you know how fast windmills go ?by Rachael and Rana
Hello Rachael and Rana,
The blades on large wind turbines might spin 10 to 20 times every minute. It would certainly make you dizzy. If there is too much wind then brakes have to be put on to stop them. Some wind turbines have caught fire before when the brakes have not been put on. oopps. Hope you enjoyed the project.
Mr Gray
Bethany says how many energy has to be dug up?
How do you make a water wheel by lewis and sam.
Hello Lewis and Sam,
Sorry I am just seeing your question now. I hope you managed to make what you needed for your model. The one I made was a polystyrene disk with plastic spoons glued to it. Spoons are great for collecting the flow of water. Real water turbines have blades that look a bit like cups or bowls.
Mr Gray
Bethany asks a great question. In Scotland we get about half of our energy from renewables, about a quarter from nuclear power and a quarter from coal or gas. The coal and gas are the main ones we have to dig up. We are lucky because we have lots of wind and rain that we can use to give us energy we have to dig up a lot less than other countries. Thanks for taking the time to ask this question.
Mr Gray
it was a good movie by murray
Glad you liked it.
Mr Gray
Nice experiments
From Alfie.J
Thank you. I hope they were useful in helping you to make your model.
Mr Gray
I am glad you liked them. Experiments can be cool, and are a good way of showing what actually happens.
Mr Gray
when was solar energy invented?
by Emily and Tara
Scientists noticed how the Sun affects different materials in the 1800’s, but their use really started when powering satellites launched into space in the 1950’s. Since then scientists have made solar panels that are even better at gathering sunlight and turning it into electricity meaning they are now seen on the roofs of houses powering electrical items in the home. Hope this helps.
Mr Gray