10 times table word problems created by P3. Can you work out the answers?

10 times table problems made up by P3   12.12. 16

In Paris there are 10 motor bikes. There are 2 people on each one. How many people altogether?


There were 10 boxes of teddy bears. There were 5 teddy bears in each box. How many teddy bears altogether?


There are 10 cages. In each cage there are 9 rabbits. How many rabbits are there altogether?


There are 10 presents. There are 200 Darth Vaders in each present. How many Darth Vaders altogether?


There were 10 Christmas trees with 5 presents under each one. How many presents altogether?


There were 10 Santas and they delivered 6 presents each. How many presents did they deliver altogether?


There are 10 presents and in each present there are 10 chocolate Santas. How many Santas altogether?


There are 10 presents in each present there are 8 tiny reindeer. How many reindeer altogether?


There are 10 reindeer pulling Santa’s sleigh. Santa gave each one

  • 4 carrots
  • 2 bells
  • 3 apples
  • 1 nametag

How many of each did Santa need?

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