Our Great Work Wall

Holly is very proud of her wonderful art in hot and cold colours. What a detailed picture you have created.

Jay is proud of his real life Maths. He had to prepare a budget for our food making and present it to Mrs. Wilson. Great work Jay.

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Joshua is proud of his cartouche. It is on the Great Work Wall downstairs. It says Joshua in Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Ruaridh is proud of his printing of an Egyptian God. Can you see what happens to the design when you print it?

Lucien is proud of his Egyptian story. He redrafted it at home to make a good copy for the Great Work Wall. Well done Lucien.

Paddy is proud of his accurate and well set out maths – expanded method of multiplication.

Dawa is proud of her Scottish Shortbread recipe. What makes this a successful piece of recipe writing?

Joshua is proud of his well set out maths – expanded method of multiplication. Wow Joshua! Twice on the great work wall already!

Adam is very proud of his accurate work with Time. Well done Adam.

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