RME Churches in Peebles

We enjoyed seeing the churches in Peebles on Google Streetview. Some of us had been to Chattabox in St. Andrew’s Leckie Church.

Can you tell your adults the names of all 6 Christian Churches in Peebles?

We saw where the old St. Andrew’s Church used to be at the bottom of Elcho Street (Ark Housing now)


We talked about what Christians did when they went to church to worship God.

P4 weight in grams and kilograms


P4 weighed some shopping items in grams. They had to read the scales then  put the items in order – lightest to heaviest.

P3 found things in the classroom to weigh to find things heavier than and lighter than 1 kilogram. They checked that two half kilogram weights equalled 1 kg.

We had a surprise visit from Lyall and Jake with a very interesting old weighing balance used for weighing bull skins. We filled Mrs. Thomson’s shopping bag with lots of weights and the shopping (Mrs. Thomson could hardly lift it!) and we weighed it on the balance. It was over 20 kilograms!

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