Spring is here


We used our sense of sight to do observational drawings of these beautiful daffodils. Mrs. Ryalls is going to display some outside the library for us.

We used oil pastel for the trumpet of the daffodil and chalk for the delicate petals.

Using our senses – smell and taste


We have been using just our sense of smell to try to identify smells: vinegar, lemon juice, toothpaste, coffee beans, vanilla essence and garlic. It was very tricky when we hadn’t used our sense of sight and we hadn’t been told what it could be. Our sense of smell was working on it’s own.

We have been tasting spreads on oatcakes. Lots of children tried foods they hadn’t tried before – BRILLIANT. We were using our sense of taste only. We closed our eyes and held our noses. Our sense of sight wasn’t so limited because we had seen the foods on the plate and had been told what the foods were. We tasted strawberry jam, marmalade, lemon curd, marmite, cheese spread and honey.

We are learning how our senses work together and how they can be limited e.g. when we have a cold and our sense of smell is affected, food tastes different.

Look at the grape Mrs. Clyde found on Friday! It’s shaped like a duck. Mr. McMorran brought it to show us with a duck timer to compare the shape. How strange!

Fun with fractions

A tricky dolphin race. You need to choose the biggest fractions to win.

We are learning about fractions. Fractions are parts of a whole shape or number. They must be equal parts. If there are three equal parts then each fraction is I/3. If there are five equal parts then each fraction is 1/5. If there are eight equal parts then each fraction is 1/8.

We have been making playdough pizzas and pies. It is tricky to get the parts exactly the same size.

Our senses – ear trumpets

We had lots of fun using ear trumpets and thinking about the
statements of some children e.g. “If you hold it the other way the sounds are backwards!” We didn’t think so, but we tried it out.

Other statements were:
The ear trumpet makes sounds louder.
You only hear sounds from one side.
The ear trumpet helps you to tell where the sounds come from.

What do you think?