Tag Archives: technology

Technology in Learning Afternoon

Mrs Clelland came in to our class today to see us using lots of different technology in our learning. We were using flip cameras, laptops and DSI’s.

On the laptops we let Mrs Clelland see voki, garage band, E-PortfoliGlows, blogging and photobooth. We wanted to show Mrs Clelland fotobabble but it didn’t work. We decided to write a post instead.

Kim made a sparklee for Mrs Clelland and I am writing this post.

Heather and Miss Docherty

Proud to be me

This is a student blogging challenge meme and here is a link to the original post.

Something that makes me proud to be me is my ICT skills.

One day our teacher Miss Docherty introduced a website called Voki. Voki is a website that lets you create a mini person or animation and loads more. Then all you do is put your text into the text box or you can phone the number and get it to say whatever you want. So our teacher found out how to put a Voki on to our blog so she put a Voki on the blog and she put a post on my E-PortFoliGlow and I learned it and put instructions on the blog myself.

I have tagged the class climb high.

I hope they will take part.


All about photo booth

What is photo booth? Well photo booth is a little like a camEra but you can change the  look of it. You can change it to  twirly and it will make it look like your face is all twirly and you can do  a mirror so that it looks like someone is right next to you  that looks  very much like you but there isn’t really . You should try it.I’ll tell you how to do it.

If you have a macbook then its really simple. If you have a macbook then heres how to do it once you turn it on leave it at the front page then go to the botom of the page and go to the go along until you get to  it. It is a small screen with a red background and a strip of photos in front of it.

Then once you touch it it should come up photo booth and click on it and thats you on it.

It’s  very simple isn’t it!

before I go I  will show you what it looks like.

bye forn  know ill try and come back on tommoro

bye bye
