Week Beginning 8 March
Visit this project Bat Maze and explore the code. There are 2 ways to move the bat.
Can you improve or change the game. Maybe how it looks, another level? or can you make the arrows better on an iPad? Remember to logon, remix and save. Publish and add to your e-portfolio.
Week Beginning 22nd February
We are going to start using OneNote in assignments this week. There will be 2 ICT Assignments. You will need to open the Assignments, and click on the icon to take you to OneNote where you can see the work and present it.
Once you are happy with your work you go back to Teams and Hand in your work.
The first task will be a simple one to show how this works, the second will an ICT one.
I’ll explain more on the Monday meet.
Week Beginning 15th February
Have a look at this scratch project: aquarium screensaver – explore on Scratch
Remix and try this challange:
Press the green flag to make the fish swim. How can you make the fish move all over the screen (to make it a true screen saver)? Can you make the fish change colour as it swims?
after that look at this one and remix: Aquarium – modify on Scratch
What do you need to add to the code to make the fish swim constantly across the aquarium? Choose from the command blocks provided below the code. Can you add a second fish? How would you change the speed of the fish? Can you add another fish or sea creature and make it move?
Week Beginning 1st February
We will take a break from scratch this week to get ready for Safer Internet Day 2021. You might want to catch up if you have not carried out week 1 and 2’s work.
Safer Internet Day is on February 9th, next week on Tuesday.
Have a look at this site. Share it with your family. There are activities for different age groups. On Tuesday this week try the quiz on Wednesday watch the film. Let me know how you get on in the quiz and what you think of the film in Teams.
We were going to be looking at games this term.
This term we will make some games using Scratch.
Week Beginning 25 January
Not many people managed week one, please go back and do that if you did nor.
This week we are going to make a pong game. Here are the instructions.
Here is a quick example without any scoring. You can load the tutorial by going here and searching for pong.
scratch tutorial pong at DuckDuckGo
Mine is a lot simpler, you can look at it or remix it
Week Beginning 18th January
Here is a really poor game. you have to click the cat to get a point. Can you make it better.
- Check out the code, do you understand it, write some notes, ask questions on Teams
- Improve the Graphics
- Change speed.
- Change the amount of turn.
- End after some many points gained.
- Add a End Game or Winner Screen.
Got to the project page logon to scratch and remix.
Publish you work when it is finished, share it in Teams and put it on your e-Portfolio.
Here is how to add it to your e-portfolio if you have forgotten: