Partnership with Parents:
Our relationship with you, as parents, is vital in supporting your child’s development and learning.
We aim to:
- foster a common understanding between staff and parents about the aims of the Nursery
- advise parents on how to help with their children’s learning and development
- keep parents in touch with their children’s progress
- encourage parents to take part, if possible, in Nursery life
- keep parents informed about Nursery matters
We will provide you with information about the Nursery in a range of ways through our notice boards, daily contact with staff and regular newsletters. We will share our learning intentions by displaying our plans on our ‘Nursery Class Learning Wall’ and through displays of photographs and children’s work.
Community Partnerships:
We have developed a number of strong links to our local community and value our unique village setting such as Blooming Inverkip, Compassionate Inverclyde, Inverclyde Sheds, local shops to name but a few!
We continue to foster links and ensure that we our nursery is at the heart of the community.