Parent Council

Parent Forum And Parent Council:

Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 led to the establishment of Parent Councils in primary, secondary and special schools. The Act recognises the vital role that parents play in supporting their children’s learning. It places a duty on authorities to promote the involvement of parents in children’s education and the wider life of the school and aims to help parents be:

  • Involved with their child’s education and learning
  • Welcomed as an active participant in the life of the school
  • Encouraged to express their views on school education generally

All parents who have a child attending the school are automatically members of the Parent Forum for our school. Membership of the forum allows parents to have a say in the local arrangements to enable their collective view to be represented on matters such as the quality and standards of education at the school and other matters of interest to parents. These views can be represented, as appropriate, to the head teacher of the school, the Council and HMIe.

At Inverkip Primary School we have a proactive and supportive Parent Council. Our Parent council have their own FaceBook Page and work closely with the school to ensure that we meet the needs of our families.

A Message from our Parent Council: Mrs Sarah Barr

Welcome! We represent you! We meet to discuss issues relating to school life – policy, teaching and learning including school, local authority and national initiatives. The Parent Council meet approximately every 6 weeks. Our primary role as The Parent Council is to represent the views and concerns of the parents/carers at the school. In addition, we provide support to the school management team, organise social and fundraising events and promote contact between all parents and the rest of the school community. With such a wide remit and range of activities, we currently have three sub-committees who meet at separate times and feedback at PC meetings.

These committees focus on:

Events Team
Organise school discos, the Christmas Fayre plus lots of other fundraising events throughout the year.

Communications Team
Look after and maintain our PC Facebook page, Twitter site, email account and our PC Termly Newsletter.

Learning and Teaching Team
Work with our Head Teacher on matters relating to the curriculum, strategic improvement plan and school policy.

The PC welcome new members at our AGM at the start of each session in August/September. We are keen to have a good representation of parents from nursery to Pr7. If you have any questions, concerns, feedback or an interest in helping at any of our events then please feel free to contact us through our Parent Council:

  • Twitter:@InverkipPrimaryPC
  • Facebook: Inverkip Primary School and Nursery Class Parent Council
  • or via email:

Office Bearers of the Parent Council, at present, are as follows:-

  • Mrs  Sarah Barr – Chairperson
  • Mrs Carol Mitchell – Vice Chairperson
  • Mrs – Leanne Knox – Treasurer
  • (Vacancy) , Minute Secretary (
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