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April 7, 2018
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Week 4: Day 19

05/04/18 Today I went between Agnés Courgeon and Christine Aué’s classes (CM1/CM2 and CM2). In the morning I helped CM1/CM2 in an ICT lesson. They were trying up biographies of heros/important people from history. I helped the children set up their computers and format their word document. I also helped the children put the French […] Continue reading

April 7, 2018
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Week 4: Day 18

04/04/18 It’s Wednesday so I am in the Nursery. Today I was going to teach each of the four classes a song to help them remember the colours in English. When I arrived I did some puzzles with my first class, I think this is a good activity for the children to do when they […] Continue reading

April 4, 2018
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Week 4: Day 17

03/04/18 Today is my 20th birthday! I spent the Easter weekend in Paris with Beth, Briony and Lauren and we went to Disneyland and saw the main tourist attractions of Paris. But today I am back to school. This morning Sylvie Lambert taught her CE2s about French sentence structure. It was interesting to see how […] Continue reading

April 4, 2018
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Week 3: Day 15

30/03/18 This morning I was observing in Françoise Monclere class, CP. They started their day with a French lesson on the sounds that ‘y’ makes. In French ‘y’ is pronounced as “eegreck’ and the sounds it makes in a word are ‘i’ and ‘ill’. The children put their hands up and came up with words […] Continue reading

March 29, 2018
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Week 3: Day 14

29/03/18 Today is Thursday but I was only in my school until 11:30am as Beth, Briony, Lauren and I had a meeting with our host, Nina, at 1:30pm. First thing today I was told I would teach three lessons in the morning. Firstly in Agnés Courgeon’s class with CM1/CM2, then in Christine Aué’s class with […] Continue reading

March 29, 2018
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Week 3: Day 13

28/03/18 Today I was in the nursery for the morning. I stated in one classroom and I played with the puzzles with a group of children. One of the puzzles was a number puzzle. You had to fit 0-9 into their accompanying slot in the board. I played it with one of the boys and […] Continue reading

March 28, 2018
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Week 3: Day 12

27/03/18 Today was exciting as I got to go on a school trip to Paris. The trip was linked to their topic on kitchen objects and we went to a museum that displayed vintage and historical kitchen utensils. I went with Agnés Courgeon, Christine Aué and their classes CM1/CM2 and CM2. We left for Paris […] Continue reading

March 25, 2018
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Week 2: Day 10

23/03/18 Today’s school day was slightly different, in that Lauren and I went to a secondary school to help an English class. The school was north of the city and called Collége Condorcet. We met Sophie, who was the English teacher, at the school and she explained to us we would help her in two […] Continue reading

March 23, 2018
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Week 2: Day 9

22/03/18 Today I did a couple of lessons, in the morning, on the topic of Scotland. I first taught in CP with Françoise Monclere, and then with Benjamine Duplouy and her CP/CE1 class. My presentation included; where I live in Scotland, our flag, the Loch Ness monster, castles, traditional food, animals, tartan, traditional sports and […] Continue reading

March 23, 2018
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Week 2: Day 8

21/03/18 Today I was assisting in the nursery. There are four classrooms in the nursery and contains children from age 3 to 5. In France their nursery is called the “maternelle”. I the nursery I was asked to teach Scottish/English nursery rhymes and songs. In each classroom I taught the children four nursery rhymes use […] Continue reading

March 23, 2018
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Week 2: Day 7

20/03/18 This morning I was with CE2 with Sylvie Lambert. I did a lesson on the topic of money. Mrs Lambert explained in French what we were doing and then we both collaborated to do a lesson in French and English. We did examples onthe blackboard to do with buying something from a shop and handing […] Continue reading

March 23, 2018
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Week 2: Day 6

19/03/18 In the morning I with Laura Bellout in CE2/CM1. As you’ve read in my day 5 blog one of the classes were learning about the film “Katia et le Crocodile”, so today we went to the local cinema to watch the whole film with 3 other classes. This was an exciting experience as I […] Continue reading

March 21, 2018
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Week 1: Day 5

16/03/18 Today I was with Axelle Holef with CE1, ages 7-8. The teacher started the day with French. She did a dictation lesson, which I thought was very advanced of them since they were only age 7/8. This lead onto a lesson based on the sound “ouill”. The class had to come up with words […] Continue reading

March 21, 2018
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Week 1: Day 4

15/03/18 Today I was with Benjamine Duplouy in a mixed class of CP and CE1, ages 6-8. I introduced myself and talked about the Loch Ness monster of which the children knew of. The teacher started with aFrench lesson with the CP’s. They were connecting little groups of letters to create words in French. This was […] Continue reading

March 21, 2018
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Week 1: Day 3

14/03/18 Today is Mercredi (Wednesday) and in France this means it’s a half-day at school. The French have had a midweek break/half-day in primary schools on Wednesdays dating back to the 19th century. It is a government concession to the Roman Catholic Church, which wanted children to study the catechism (Catholic book) on their Wednesday […] Continue reading

March 21, 2018
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Week 1: Day 2

13/03/18 *BEEP BEEP BEEP*  6:45am, I wake up and the day is here. The day I’ve been so nervous but excited for. So many things are going through my head; what if I get the wrong bus? What if my teacher doesn’t speak much English? What will a French school day be like? After a […] Continue reading

March 19, 2018
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Identification of Learning Opportunities

Learning Opportunities Teaching English to French pupils. Teaching English in all subjects – Mathematics, Art, Music, Physical education, Science etc. Learning about the French school system. Identifying the similarities and differences between the teaching in France and Scotland. Learning the French language and vocabulary through listening and observing pupils. Communicating with French pupils in both […] Continue reading

March 19, 2018
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Placement Proposal

The placement that I am applying for is in a primary school Orléans, France. I will be an English language assistant in a French primary school, which will involve me teaching the French pupils how to speak English. I chose this setting as I wanted to keep working with children in a school setting but […] Continue reading

March 19, 2018
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Identification of Skills and Knowledge to be developed

Skills Improve French oral communication. Improve French written communication. Improve self-confidence teaching in front of a class. Improve interest in pupil’s lives. French pupils daily lives and hobbies. Improve responsibility for pupils. Schools trips. Improve organisational skills. Improve team-working skills with the teachers.   Knowledge Knowledge of the French school system. Knowledge in how to […] Continue reading

March 19, 2018
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Reflection on Experiences to date

1st Year Placement – Primary 4 During this 6-week placement I got an insight into the Scottish Primary Education system. I taught group and whole class lessons covering every curricular area. I learnt the processes and stages of teaching a lesson effectively, using engaging and positive techniques. I was challenged with have a class that […] Continue reading

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