Newton Farm Primary School and Nursery Class

January 22, 2024
by Mr McCourt

Our Week in Room 16 15.01.24

Another week of learning and hard work in Room 16!

We are well underway into our Japan topic and we have been loving it so far. We have been learning about Koi fish through researching all about their history in Japanese culture and we have also completed Koi fish art through a focused art lesson all about lines and colour. Check out these super impressive drawings!

We are continuing with our topic of time and are finding confidence in exploring an analogue clock through playing group games, challenging a partner and comparing analogue and digital times. We have also been linking French with our time topic by exploring the months of the year and creating calendar’s.

In literacy we have been continuing with our new phoneme ‘oo’ and we have found great success in exploring all the different spellings of this sound through different learning strategies.

We have also been continuing with our hockey block in PE and have been learning about stick control and weaving the ball in and out of obstacles.

Our Week in Room 21

January 19, 2024 by Miss Napier | 0 comments

We have begun to conclude our WW2 learning this week and had fun using our measuring and baking skills to make fork biscuits (a ration recipe) and develop our sewing skills, whilst learning about the ‘Make Do and Mend’ campaign. The class realised how tricky it can be to thread a needle and knot one end before even getting to the stitching part! We’ll continue our sewing skills next week when we finish sewing on a button and repairing a rip in the pieces of fabric we have. We’ll also take a look at how the war finally ended and study what VE Day is.

This gallery contains 7 photos

January 19, 2024
by Miss Lockhart

Terrific Tartan Weaving in Room 2!

Hello everyone,

In Room 2 we have been learning about Scotland. We are looking forward to celebrating Burns’ day together next Thursday!

Today we made our own tartan designs; weaving paper under and over each other to make repeated pattern setts. We worked really hard and our finished designs are amazing!

Have a look at our tartan process below.

Could I please kindly ask that you check your child’s/ children’s cardigans and jumpers at home. Some of our learners have lost their cardigans and jumpers this week and we are hoping they have went home in the wrong bag by mistake. Any help would really be appreciated, thank you.

January 19, 2024
by Miss Sutherland

This week in Room 15…


This week in Room 15 we have been really enjoying our Japan topic! We have looked at the Geography of Japan and investigated the challenges and opportunities there is for living in this part of the world. We learned why Japan is prone to so many natural disasters and how this differs to our country.

We began a new Art and Technologies project, looking at Street Art across Glasgow! We looked at the Glasgow Mural Trail and recreated a piece of famous art of the patron saint of Glasgow, St Mungo.

We began a persuasive writing block and discussed what techniques could be use to convince a reader of something… the children were professionals at this!

In maths we continued with telling the time and successfully learned  to tell o’clock, half past and quarter past the hour on an analogue clock.

We are looking forward to another great week next week!

January 19, 2024
by Mrs Kelly

Room 3’s Blog

Welcome to Room 3’s blog,

C, ‘We were learning ‘b’ and ‘u’.’

M, ‘We have been learning about Scotland.’

E, ‘We have been learning about data.’

K, ‘We have been learning aboot Donald and where are his troosers.’

L, ‘We have been learning about subtraction.’

C, ‘We have been learning to read and use picture clues.’

M, ‘We made Scotland flags, they are blue and white.’

I am building a robot.

We found 2 smaller than our numbers on a number line.

I am building a Spiderman base.

Thank you for reading our blog!

January 19, 2024
by Mrs Ventre

Room 1

Good afternoon,

This week in Room 1 we have been learning all about Scotland. We have been practising the song, head shoulders knees and toes in scots. Have a look at our learning.









Have a lovely weekend!

Thank you

Mrs Ventre

January 19, 2024
by Mrs Cowie

Free upcoming courses/workshops

Dear parents/carers,

Please find below upcoming free online workshops from SAMH (Scottish Action for Mental Health)

2/01/2024    Mental Health Awareness                                                 12.30pm

23/01/2024    Listening To & Supporting My Child                               1.00pm

24/01/2024    Understanding and Managing Stress & Anxiety            10.00am

25/01/2024    Managing My Wellbeing                                                   6.30pm

29/01/2024    Listening To & Supporting My Child                               6.30pm

30/01/2024    Managing My Wellbeing                                                   1.00pm

31/01/2024     Understanding and Managing Stress & Anxiety            12.30pm

01/02/2024    Mental Health Awareness                                                 10.00am

Please also find attached details of upcoming workshops from the Neurodevelopmental team.

Feb workshop calendar 2024

Thank you,

Mrs Cowie (DHT)

January 16, 2024
by Mrs Rae

Our New Learning 📚

In Room 6 this week, we have moved on to a new spelling sound, this being ‘ow’ as in owl. We have enjoyed getting the magnetic boards out and working collaboratively to practise these words. We also had fun identifying these in a phoneme story yesterday. We found it interesting that this sound is spelled the same as a previous phoneme we looked at (‘ow’ as in snow) and we are working to identify which words have which ‘ow’ sound.
In Numeracy, we have now moved on to subtraction. We have been consolidating our subtraction within 10 this week and familiarising ourselves with different tools we can use to help us, such as number lines, number squares, cubes and our fingers. We discussed the difference between addition and subtraction and are trying to remember that we count backwards on the number line when completing minus sums. We are feeling confident with these calculations.
We have moved on to a new topic in Health and Wellbeing this week and are now focussing on ways to have a healthy lifestyle. We watched a short video explaining different ways we can stay healthy, which looked at factors such as eating healthy foods, drinking water, exercising, washing our hands and sleeping well. We then made a poster about this information, making sure to make these visual and eye-catching. Yesterday, we had a great time working in groups to create fitness routines before showing these to our peers. We are excited to use these routines in PE lessons.
As part of our Literacy last week, we were concentrating on the summarising strategy. We found that this strategy can be used to identify the main points of a story without giving every single detail. We read the book ‘Monster’s Inc – The Little Basket’ and used this story in pairs to create a piece of work that showed what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the book. We worked hard to build sentences along with a picture. We are continuing to try and remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Have a look at some of our work!
Below are some comments from our learning this week:
BrMc, BlMc, RF, OM, SI, HG – I 100% loved doing PE with Room 5.
DT, AbS – I loved to do the skeleton with Miss Smith.
SG, QJO – I loved making up the exercises in groups for Health and Wellbeing. We wanted to run 35 laps. 
HH – I liked doing the posters about staying healthy.
IW – I liked making the posters with exercises and want to do gymnastics. 
HW – I liked doing the new sound ‘ow’.
SJ – I loved doing the giraffes to show what we can do and what we can’t do yet. 
Have a great week!
Room 6 and Mrs Rae 😊

January 15, 2024
by Mrs Calder

X (previously Twitter)

As we start a New Year we plan on restarting the use of X (previously Twitter) as another means of communication with our parents/carers.  We already have a lot of followers on our account but are keen to increase this and share information about events, achievements and updates from the school.  If you are not already following us, our page is @NewtonFarmPS.  To ensure the safety of our pupils any requests received will be checked by a member of staff before being accepted to ensure that only those from within the Newton Farm community have access.  To enable this to happen, could we ask that if you send a request to follow @NewtonFarmPS on X (Twitter), could you also email the school office on informing us of the name associated with your X account and the name and stage of the child/children within the school. Please put X (Twitter) as the subject line in your email.  Any previous requests to follow have been rejected so if you are not currently following the school, we would ask that you send another request.  Any requests will be dealt with as quickly as possible.



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