Newton Farm Primary School and Nursery Class

February 15, 2025
by Miss Curley

Room 8

This is what the children have been learning about this week:

ED, OsM,FA,RN,LM,CM,AD, LW, OK, JM,LS : I have enjoyed using my art skills to do Valentine’s day crafts.

TM, MG,HuR,: I enjoyed playing hockey matches against Room 14.

IS, OdM, CR,LB: I liked practising joined up handwriting.

CP, GO,LE, HaR: I liked using the standard written method to solve subtraction calculations.

JS: I enjoyed writing a report all about the River Clyde. I learned that it is 176km long.

MN: I enjoyed the Sustainability Live Lesson because we could see other classes from across South Lanarkshire.

RD: I liked created a comic from my reading book and doing crafts for Valentine’s day

Thank you for all your hard work Room 8! I hope you have a wonderful February Break- Miss Curley





February 14, 2025
by Miss White

Room 26’s Fantastic Blog!

We have been working so hard this week so we want to tell you all about it!

We have been helping the P2s with ICT and teaching them how to login to the chromebooks and type! We used a typing game and Google Docs!

In maths, we have been learning about compass points.Today we had a PE and maths lesson. We had to create obstacle courses for our peers and include the compass point directions.  We also used chalk to design our own compasses!

Come back next week for more news!

Blog by:

Lucy, Ross and Elliot

February 14, 2025
by Miss Macfarlane

Room 27

Here are our highlights from this week:

OB: “I liked doing circuits in PE.”

AM: “I liked story writing this week.”

AM: “I enjoyed making shapes using the Chromebooks.”

AR: “I liked using the protractors to draw circles in maths.”

JQ: “I liked multiplying by 100.”

AG: “I liked fitness in PE. I got faster with every lap!”

SM: “I liked doing Music on Monday.”

KW: “I enjoyed the games in PE on Tuesday.”

KH: “Our Science test with Miss O’Brien was my highlight.”

HT: “I liked learning about braille.”

Have a great holiday weekend,

Room 27, Miss Higgins and Miss Macfarlane

February 14, 2025
by Mrs Rae

Fire Service 🧑‍🚒🚒

Room 3 had a super day on Tuesday this week when they, along with the rest of Primary 1, got a surprise visit from the Fire Service. This helped us to better understand the job the fire fighters do and how they help us in society, as part of our People Who Help Us topic. Primary 1 have now been visited by the police, paramedics and fire service! It has been a very exciting term so far.

The fire fighters brought a fire engine with them and the class had great fun looking at equipment, such as the fire protective clothing, boots and a safety helmet. They also had a chance to spray the massive hose of water at the front of the school. After that, everyone got a shot of sitting inside the fire engine. The fire fighters put on the sirens and they were so loud! We loved it.

Below are some pictures of our experience.

Pupil Voice

Here are some comments on our learning this week:

EM – I enjoyed using the fire hose. 

ST, MM – I liked doing gymnastics. 

GM – I liked used using the fire safety equipment. 

RC – I liked seeing the fire engine.

CW – I liked doing play when we worked on the base as a team. 

LS, KO – I liked building the base out of Lego and wooden blocks. 

ET – I liked learning the ‘v’ and ‘j’ sounds.

CG – I liked having a shot of the fire helmet.

KH – I liked making Valentines Day cards. 

CJ – I liked playing and drawing with my friends. 

CD, AR – I liked doing the hockey. 

LB – I liked sitting in the fire engine. 

CB, KR – I liked hearing the sirens on the fire engine. 

PC – I liked balancing on the benches in gymnastics. 


We hope you have an amazing holiday and look forward to seeing everyone again on 20th February.

Mrs Rae and Room 3 😊

February 14, 2025
by D Gray

Room 18

Fairtrade Fortnight

Brodie and Lewis are a part of our Fairtrade Pupil Voice group run by Miss Capper. This week they delivered 3 talks at the children’s assemblies using their Fairtrade Powerpoint and presentation. They did a marvellous job and we are very proud of them!

Our competition entries for the Red Arrows Tattoo where we designed aircrafts of the future is almost complete. We had a wonderful day full of experiments and live lessons. We are going to use one of skills slots to teach our friends a bit more about Rocket Science and share our knowledge.

Play in the classroom . We have been enjoying play opportunities with some of our younger pupils. Miss Reilly and Primary 2 welcomed us to see their learning through play and we had an amazing time. The week after next, we will be setting up play opportunities in our classroom and inviting P2 to visit us and see how we learn through play.

February 14, 2025
by Miss Lockhart

Room 15’s Trip to Amazonia!

Hello everyone,

Yesterday we went on our school trip to Amazonia.

“We got to hold Shelly the tortoise.” M

“We designed some rainforest animals and I held a snake.” D

“We went to the park.” S

“We saw a giant python called Eric, he was a mascot for the army.” R

“I saw parrots and they were squawking loud at me.” I

“We saw a poisonous frog that could kill up to 20 people if they touched it.” J

“I learned about a bat in Australia that has wings 3 metres long!” A

“We had a Q and A time with a Rainforest Ranger.” H

“There was a dark room with an animal called a kinkajou.” C

“We got to see 2 baby monkeys called Bucket and Olive.” F

“We got to hold a giant cockroach.” C

We all had a great day!

February 14, 2025
by Miss Riley

Room 6

Room 6 showcased their play skills to Room 18 and had them join us for one of our ‘Child Led Play’ sessions. Take a look at all our wonderful play in action…

This week, Room 6 also created cross curricular links between our Fairyland topic, Technology and sustainability learning to build our very own castles!

We used our current knowledge of the features of a castle, along with our knowledge of recyclable materials to plan and then build a medieval castle!

All of our castles were made using materials that the children had collected and were able to find an alternative use for. Who would have thought a toilet roll tube would make a great cannon! Or that an amazon box could be turned into a castle book!

We would like to say a big thank you to our P6 helpers who came to support us in our castle building!

Take a look at some of our Castles…


February 14, 2025
by Miss Riley

Room 5

This week, Room 5 created cross curricular links between our Fairyland topic, Technology and sustainability learning to build our very own castles!

We used our current knowledge of the features of a castle, along with our knowledge of recyclable materials to plan and then build a medieval castle!

All of our castles were made using materials that the children had collected and were able to find an alternative use for. Who would have thought a toilet roll tube would make a great cannon! Or that an egg carton would make great castle turrets!

We would like to say a big thank you to our P7 helpers who came to support us in our castle building!

Take a look at some of our Castles…




February 11, 2025
by Mrs Ventre

Room 1

Good afternoon,

Primary 1 have been learning all about people who help us over the past few weeks. We have talked alot about the emergency services and what you should do in an emergency situation. We have been very lucky to be joined by police officers, paramedics and today the fire service came to visit us.

We have been learning all about the job roles these emergency services do, how they help people and the uniforms they wear.

As part of the fire services visit today they brought a fire truck with them, which the boys and girls were all super excited about. They got the opportunity to sit inside the truck, see some of the equipment they use and even got a shot of the using the hose. Everyone really enjoyed the visit and learning so much about the fire service.

Please see below a couple of pictures from our fire service visit.


I hope you all have a lovely long weekend when it comes and look I look forward to seeing you all back on Thursday 20th February.

Thank you

Mrs Ventre and Room 1



February 11, 2025
by Miss Mulreany

People Who Help Us

Room 2 have been continuing to learn all about the people who help us in our local community as part of our current class topic.

Last week, we had a visit from some very helpful paramedics. They came to tell us a little bit about their job roles, the uniform that they have to wear and even brought their ambulance with them. We were all allowed to go in the ambulance for a little look at all the equipment on board. It was so much fun! When we got back to class, we wrote our own Fact File for a paramedic which included a title, labelled picture and facts about their uniform and how they help us.

Today, we had a visit from the local fire service. We were allowed to go out and see the fire engine that they brought with them. We got to sit inside, see the blue lights and some of the equipment on board. We also got a turn using the hose which was so exciting! It was a great visit and we enjoyed learning more about how the fire service and firefighters help us in the event of an emergency.

Room 2 hope you all have a lovely long weekend at the end of this week and look forward to seeing everyone again on Thursday 20th February.

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