Newton Farm Primary School and Nursery Class

Meet the staff at Newton Farm Nursery Class…

October 18, 2024 by Ms Erskine | 0 comments

Adele McIntyre, Nursery Depute

Susan Erskine, Early Years Team Leader

Lisa McGeady, Early Years Worker

Keri Hassan, Early Years Worker

Leanne Egan, Early Years Worker

Lee Gilchrist, Early Years Worker

Gemma Taylor, Early Years Worker

Kellie Sutherland, Early Years Worker

Pamela Watt, Early Years Worker

Lara Archer, Early Years Worker

Mhari McGill, Early Years Worker

Victoria Tatnall, Early Years Worker

Emma Clark, Early Years Worker

Kellyanne Griffin, Early Years Worker

Jessica McNeil, Early Years Worker

Rachel Harper, Early Years Worker (mat leave)

Mikaila Maxwell, Early Years Worker (mat leave)

Talitha Bramwell, Early Years Worker (mat leave)

Kirstie Stewart, Early Years Support Worker

Shannen Wilson, Early Years Support Worker

Diane McNicol, Early Years Support Worker

Nicola Tiffoney, Catering Staff

This gallery contains 44 photos

October 11, 2024
by Mrs Norton

Room 7s Blog

Welcome to Room 7’s blog.

Eshal – We were learning about mummies

Aidan – We wrapped someone up with toilet paper

Emily – I liked going onto Google Maps and finding Egypt and the pyramids

Khalifa – I liked when we wrapped up Harley

Jessica – I liked when we wrapped up Mrs Calder

Nola – I liked when we wrapped up Mrs Calder. It was really funny

Blake – I liked when we wrapped up Mrs Calder because it was funny.

Alan – I liked when we wrapped up Harley

Charlotte – I liked it when we wrapped up Mrs Calder

I would like to thank everyone for their time last night at parent’s meeting. It was so lovely to be able to talk to you all about your amazing children.  Have a wonderful October week and I can’t wait to hear all about it after the holidays.

Mrs Norton

October 11, 2024
by Miss Mulreany

Term 1 Reflection! :)

Room 2 cannot believe that we are at the end of Term 1 already. The children have all settled well and have learned the routines of the class and school day. Today we reflected on our first term at school. We have learned so many new skills already and wanted to share our Term 1 memories with you all.

EB – I love when the teacher teaches us stuff.

GD – I like the dress up clothes in our class.

AD – I like playing in the construction area. I like building a big castle.

CD – I liked drawing the Inside Out characters.

LD – I like to sing the ‘a’ song.

EE – I like to play with the wooden characters.

AG – I think I am really good at spelling my words.

PH – I like playing with my friends in class. I like dressing up as a wizard.

CJJ – I am really good at building big houses with Lego.

TL – I like PE, I like playing toilet tig.

EMcC – I liked learning about number 5. I liked when I drew my number 5’s on a piece of paper.

Thank you to our parents/carers for their continued support throughout this term. It was great to speak to you all last night at our Parents’ Evening. If you require any support or assistance going forward, please get in touch.

Have an amazing October week everyone,

Miss Mulreany and Room 2! 🙂

October 11, 2024
by Mrs Rae

End of Term 🍂

Room 3 have had a great week to finish off a fantastic term. We have really enjoyed getting used to our school routines, expectations and making new friends along the way.

This week in Science, we learned all about the senses and how we use these to touch, smell, hear, see and taste. After having a discussion about all of the different senses, we worked together to organise different foods, items and objects to what sense would match these best. For example, we thought the foods would link best to taste, while instruments would fit best next to the hear sense. Have a look at our display on the board.

This week as part of our nurture afternoon, we learned about the importance of self-love. As part of this learning we spoke about the importance of being kind to ourself to help boost our self-esteem. During assembly we shared some of our super work, where we were asked to draw a self-portrait of ourselves and think about something we loved about our personality, talents or appearance.

To complete our week, we had fun getting the paints out and designing our own autumn trees. We worked so hard to make these realistic.

Pupil Voice

Here are some comments about this week’s learning:

GM, AR. CD – I liked playing with my friends.
KH, MM – I liked getting a good report at parents night.
VC, IM – I liked using the balls in PE.
ET – I liked outdoor PE. 
CJ – I liked doing my autumn tree. 
RC, ST – I liked playing and dancing in the playground. 
CW – I liked reading the dinosaur books. 
CG – I was proud of myself for getting star writer. 
PC – I liked playtime. 
EM – I liked learning about sight when doing senses. 
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend parents evening yesterday, we had a great night sharing all of the progress in learning. Have an amazing October break!
Room 3 and Mrs Rae 😊

October 11, 2024
by Miss Macfarlane

Room 27’s Blog

We cannot believe it is the end of Term 1 already! We have all had a fantastic start to Primary 5.

Let us tell you what we have been learning about this week.

We had an exciting start to the week with pizza making on Monday. We then wrote about this on Thursday, creating our very own recipe cards. We did a great job at remembering the ingredients and measurements!

We finished reading ‘The Wild Robot’ and worked hard to learn our common and tricky words.

In Maths, we have learnt how to round to thousands and finished our topic on compass points and directions. We played sinking ships to help practise times tables. This was great fun!

We enjoyed some team games at the end of PE on Friday.

“My favourite thing we did this week was ‘French 11′”  LK

“I liked playing sinking ships in Maths.” SM

“My favourite part was definitely making pizzas.” AM

“I really enjoyed making the pizzas and writing our recipes.” AG

“I really enjoyed eating my pizza!” MN

“I loved leading the warm up in PE.” AR

“I liked the one-shot challenge in basketball.” KH

“I liked the rock, paper, scissors challenge in PE.” JD

“I really liked doing the hoop game.” OB

“I liked playing prisoner dodgeball.” BM

Thank you for reading our blog, have a wonderful holiday!

Room 27, Miss Higgins and Miss Macfarlane

October 11, 2024
by Mrs Ventre

Room 1

Good afternoon,

Please see below what Room 1 have been learning about:

“I enjoyed writing the number 10” TT

“Being a detective looking for our words in books” EM

“I enjoyed singing the big number song” SF

“I enjoyed drawing myself” EW (as part of our nurture sharing assembly we draw a picture of ourselves and discussed things that we liked about ourselves).

” I liked drawing words with t” EMcC

“I’ve enjoyed learning through playing” VMcG

I hope you all enjoy the October break with your families.

Thank you

Mrs Ventre and Room 1

October 11, 2024
by Miss White

Room 26’s Spectacular Blog!

This is Room 26’s Spectacular Blog! We will tell you about our week and what we have learned.

This week we have been doing basketball games. We put all our skills to the test and played 8 games all together over 2 days.

In our book, Kensuke is into rock painting so we did it ourselves! Our options were a cherry blossom tree, fruit, birds, dolphins, gibbons and orangutans.

Next week we will have even more to tell you. So make sure you come back next time!            

By Lewis Donnelly and Orlaith Boyd.

October 7, 2024
by Miss Laird

Room 4

Hello everyone,

This week we have enjoyed…

CH – I enjoyed the rainbow pointillism painting.

MM – I liked writing my dictated sentences.

AM – I enjoyed learning about similes – As green as the grass. 

ZM – I liked learning the ‘ay’ sound.

GM – I enjoyed PE with Mr Mckay.

AP – I enjoyed writing similes about the colour monster.

YS – I enjoyed writing sentences with my common words. 

LS – I enjoyed learning about 2D Shape and having a shape hunt in the class. 

HW – I liked sorting and colouring the shapes.

We hope you have a great week.

Miss Laird and Room 4

October 4, 2024
by Miss Riley

Room 5

Over the last few weeks, Room 5 have been learning all about the Bible Story, Noah’s Ark.

They put their super team work skills into action and worked together to build their very own version of the ark!

Using a variety of construction materials they were able to put their ideas together and build some amazing arks.

Take a look at their super creations…

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