Please see the planner below for all dates already planned for the new session. It includes Parents’ Nights, Stage Learning Showcases, Meet the Teacher and many other school events.
June 25, 2024
by Mrs Meechan
June 25, 2024
by Mrs Meechan
Please see the planner below for all dates already planned for the new session. It includes Parents’ Nights, Stage Learning Showcases, Meet the Teacher and many other school events.
January 20, 2025
by Miss Lockhart
Welcome back everyone!
Last week in Room 15 we were very busy …
“We had our Fun 31, I made a teddy holder and I used a Chromebook.” M
“We had hockey coaches visiting to teach us new hockey skills.” H
“We made Robert Burns’ art and painted a tartan background.” F
“We wrote poems in Scots using the Scots words we knew.” I
“We used the Chromebooks to make a slideshow about a famous Scottish person.” S
“We started our new number topic – multiplication.” D and M
“We started new novels in our reading groups.” I
“We won class of the week again at assembly.” ML
Our P4 showcase is on Thursday 6th February from 1.40-2.40pm we are looking forward to welcoming you into Room 15 in a few weeks.
Thank you for reading our blog.
Room 15 🙂
January 19, 2025
by Miss Riley
We have had another fantastic week of learning in Room 5!
This week, we received a surprise letter from, ‘The Friendly Dragon’, asking us to help him save Fairyland and his fairytale friends!
We began by helping to rebuild the beanstalk by planting our very own beans!
We also continued our story telling of Jack and the Beanstalk by learning all about the importance of character speech and the punctuation that we use when writing this in our stories.
Take a look at our super story writers creating some great character speech bubbles for the characters in Jack and the Beanstalk…
January 17, 2025
by Miss Mulreany
Room 2 have been settling back into class and school routines after the Christmas break. We have enjoyed catching up with our friends and teachers and are looking forward to the term ahead.
For writing, we read a fantastic story called ‘The Dot’. It is about a little girl who believes she cannot draw. However, after drawing a dot on her page, it begins a journey of creativity. We were all given a dot and we had to use our imaginations to transform the dot into something else. We had such great examples such as, ‘The dot is a sun.’, ‘The dot is a flower.’ and ‘The dot is a bike.’. Here are some of our fantastic drawings and writing.
During Numeracy, we have started to learn how to sort and organise data. We spoke about our favourite colours and lunch choices and then worked out the best way to sort and organise them. We thought that putting the colours in a straight line would be much easier to count. We were able to quickly identify the most and least popular choices.
Please check school bags for homework folders as these were sent home today. Have a lovely weekend everyone! 🙂
January 17, 2025
by Miss Livingstone
Happy Friday!
This week in Room 6 we have been learning the ‘ou’ phoneme (found, sound, mouse, house). We have also continued to learn the 2,5 and 10 times table and different strategies we can use to remember these. We started Gymnastics in P.E, big shout out to our amazing Gymnasts who modelled some excellent examples of different jumps we can do. We also had a special letter delivered by a Dragon, and he has asked us to help him save Fairyland! We are all so excited to help him.
Today we had our pupil voice groups, and we all learned something new!
LJ- I learned how to animate my voice on the chromebooks.
LW- We spoke about how everyone is different.
CS- I learned how to plant bulbs that will turn into flowers.
We have all had a fabulous week. Special shout out to our star reader of the week Rishaan.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Homework was supposed to go out today but we were so busy chatting about all of the fantastic learning that we forgot! I will send it home on Monday!
Miss Livingstone
January 17, 2025
by Miss Campbell
January 17, 2025
by Mrs Stewart
In Room 19 we have completed our amazing snowmen. We used a compass to draw the different sizes of circles, which proved trickier than it looked. They have a 3D effect, as we used cardboard to separate the snowman’s layers.
They have been getting lots of compliments from people as they pass by our class.
January 17, 2025
by Mr Allen
Our PE day has changed to a Tuesday now because we are getting to do something very special. The primary 3 and 4 classes are getting to do hockey as part of their PE this term. Our other PE day will stay the same.
For hockey we got to meet proper coaches from Uddingston Hockey Club and their names were Emma and Ruairidh. First of all they taught us how to hold a hockey stick correctly and we were shown how to move the ball around the gym using the stick. You are not allowed to use the curved side of the stick and you can’t lift it higher than your belly button. We then go to practise the Rainbow move which is moving the ball from side to side.
We all had so much fun and we can’t wait to do it again next week.
January 17, 2025
by Mrs Rae
January 17, 2025
by Miss White
Welcome to room 26s fantastic Blog today we will tell you about data collection and times tables
This week we have been doing the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 times tables. Some of them were quite hard but we did it. Here is an example
5 x 5 = 25
This week we have been going around asking people in our class what is your favourite out of these sports colour. Use the data collected we created graphs on Google Sheets.
We will have lots more next week to tell you about so make sure you come back for even more exciting news bye for now.
By Orlaith, Lewis D and Harrison
January 16, 2025
by D Gray
Last week and this week we have been working on all new themes and topics. For Social Studies we picked teams to work collaboratively together to investigate different countries in Europe. No two teams have the same country.
In Numeracy, all groups are working on multiplication strategies. We are using different strategies to solve calculations. Miss Gray showed us how she had to do it when she was at school, long multiplication. We are glad there are different strategies now.
Our new class novels; Rooftoppers and The Hundred Mile an Hour Dog, are both proving to be fantastically entertaining books which seem to involve us using the class dictionaries more and more. We are divided as to whether this is a good thing or not. Miss Gray says it is an excellent life skill to have.
Homophones are tricky and we are learning which spelling to use in the correct place; to, too, two and there, they’re, their are confusing but practise will help.
We have some very brave class members who have been auditioning for the school show, ‘Disney’s Dare to Dream.’ The songs are ones that lots of us know and we are looking forward to learning about all aspects of putting on a show from backstage work to front of house. We are a lucky class as Miss Gray knows the songs and likes to sing them at us. We mean to us. 🙂 Such fun!