Newton Farm Primary School and Nursery Class

September 20, 2024
by Miss White

Room 26’s Super Blog

Hello everyone, welcome to our super blog! Today we are going to share our learning with you. 

We are going to tell you about  place value.We are learning and revising ones,tens,hundreds,thousands and ten thousands. We were doing our textbook’s and we were super-duper.

We were also learning about how to insert a table on Google Docs. On our table we had to choose 5 things to take to the island to help us survive. This links to our book Kensuke’s Kingdom.

 Come back next week we will have more exciting news.

Your’s truly 

Sai,Cal and Leo

September 20, 2024
by Mr Allen

Room 9 – Active Maths in the Sun

For numeracy we have been learning about hundreds, tens and units which is part of Place Value. We found it tricky at first but we are now good at adding 10 and 100 to larger numbers. It has been really good  learning numbers up to 1000.

With the weather being so sunny, Mr Allen decided to do active maths outside. We were split into 3 groups and we got to do different activities. One group used the base 10 materials that show  100 squares, sticks of 10 and unit cubes. The other group used different coloured disks to show hundreds, tens and units and the last group used coloured tabs.

The pictures below show some of the activities.




September 20, 2024
by Mrs Ventre

Room 1

This week in Room 1 we have had fun learning lots of new things.

Please see below what some of the boys and girls have enjoyed leaning about:

CM- singing the big numbers song.

EW – new French words. I can say hello in French.

SC-  writing number 6 in the sand.

RL-  making a caterpillar ( our story this week was The Very Hungry Caterpillar)

OR – reading the books ( We had some BEAR – Being Excited About Reading-  time before assembly)

TT- playing toilet tig at gym.

A polite reminder Primary one have their learning showcase on Thursday 26th of September at 1:40 to 2:40.

Have a lovely weekend!

Thank you

Mrs Ventre and Room 1




September 20, 2024
by Mrs Stewart

Magic Medallions

In Room 19 this week, we have been finishing off our dragon eye artwork. We are very pleased with the end result and can not wait to put them up on the wall.

We have also been designing medallions, based on the character Henry from our novel Dark Isle.  We will hopefully be able to paint them next week.


September 20, 2024
by Miss Macfarlane

The Creativity of Room 27!

Room 27 has been full of creativity this week!

In our imaginative writing we have been focusing on exciting openings for our stories.

We have created pictures of Roz from the Wild Robot in the style of Romero Britto.

We have been using creative spelling strategies to practise and learn our words.

In Maths, we are getting better at following and giving directions using compass points. We can link turns to angles and go clockwise and anti-clockwise. We have been creating journeys to help us practise this.

“I enjoyed our French lesson this week where we learned new greetings.” LK

“I liked narrative writing.” EG

“I enjoyed reading The Wild Robot.” AR

“I enjoyed DEAR Time.” AG

“I really liked learning about the compass points and angles.” SM

“I liked doing the Roz artwork.” HT

“I liked learning about paragraphs in Literacy.” FNQ

We hope you have also had a lovely week.

Thanks for reading our blog,

Room 27, Miss Higgins and Miss Macfarlane


SLC Family Digital Support Site

September 20, 2024
by Miss Lockhart

This Week in Room 15!

Welcome everyone and Happy Friday!

This week we have been busy:

“We shared our golden book achievements at assembly.” D

“We looked for adjectives using the story ‘The Gruffalo’. Adjectives are describing words.” M

“We played our first hockey matches on Tuesday.” M

“We finished our road safety posters.” M

“We learned a new song about starting our day on a happy note and having a good day.” E

“We finished our Iron Man book, the ending surprised me.” H and C

“We found the top 5 choices of how to spend our PB money and we will vote for our favourite soon.” I

“We set up and played some new apps on the chrome books.” S

Have a great weekend everyone, thank you for reading our blog.

September 19, 2024
by Mrs Meechan

Family Digital Support Site

SLC Education Digital team have created a website to provide support at home for Chromebooks, Google tools, Microsoft packages and many other digital hardware and online resources.

Please use this URL for easy access for parents and carers 👇:

Web address:

The site includes Newton Farm Primary’s Google Classroom pupil help site 👇:

September 18, 2024
by Miss Campbell


Hello Everyone,

A warm welcome from Room 16!

Each week our teacher Miss Campbell will select two people to write some of the things we have been learning about in our own words.  We will also try to include some photographs!

Recently, we have been getting to know one another and revising previous learning to ensure we are confident moving forward.

Today we started our Narrative block in writing. We discussed the features of this specific genre and created mind maps to support our future planning.



Junior Road Safety Officers

September 17, 2024 by Miss Napier | 0 comments

Our two newly appointed Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) had a great morning at Chatelherault Country Park today. Each year, South Lanarkshire Council hold a JRSO Open Day for pupils to network, learn about their duties and gain ideas for promoting road safety in and around our school. We’ve come away with lots of ideas and will soon be meeting with our South Lanarkshire School Travel Plan Co-ordinator to discuss our agenda for the year. Watch this space!

This gallery contains 13 photos

September 17, 2024
by Miss Curley

Room 8’s Weekly Update


We learned lots in Room 8 last week and the children are keen to shared what they enjoyed:


JM- “I enjoyed rounding numbers to the nearest 10.”
AD- “I liked creating persuasive posters to ‘Save Wilbur’.”
MN- “I enjoyed writing book reviews of the stories we have been reading.”
ED- “I liked practicing place value and partitioning 3-digit numbers.”
CR- “I liked learning about adjectives and identifying them in sentences.”
CP- “I enjoyed doing dictation because I could see my hard work pay off.”
The whole class enjoyed our construction task which was linked to our IDL topic, Charlotte’s Web. We worked in teams to create a barn that could hold two animals and give them food and water. We were then able to present our barns to the rest of the class and explain our design choices. It was lots of fun!
-Miss Curley

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