Newton Farm Primary School and Nursery Class

Room 8’s Weekly Update



We learned lots in Room 8 last week and the children are keen to shared what they enjoyed:


JM- “I enjoyed rounding numbers to the nearest 10.”
AD- “I liked creating persuasive posters to ‘Save Wilbur’.”
MN- “I enjoyed writing book reviews of the stories we have been reading.”
ED- “I liked practicing place value and partitioning 3-digit numbers.”
CR- “I liked learning about adjectives and identifying them in sentences.”
CP- “I enjoyed doing dictation because I could see my hard work pay off.”
The whole class enjoyed our construction task which was linked to our IDL topic, Charlotte’s Web. We worked in teams to create a barn that could hold two animals and give them food and water. We were then able to present our barns to the rest of the class and explain our design choices. It was lots of fun!
-Miss Curley

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