Please see the planner below for all dates already planned for the new session. It includes Parents’ Nights, Stage Learning Showcases, Meet the Teacher and many other school events.
June 25, 2024
by Mrs Meechan
June 25, 2024
by Mrs Meechan
Please see the planner below for all dates already planned for the new session. It includes Parents’ Nights, Stage Learning Showcases, Meet the Teacher and many other school events.
March 27, 2025
by Miss Mulreany
Recently in Room 2 we have,
Have a lovely weekend when it comes!
March 24, 2025
by Miss White
Welcome, we are going to be telling you about our fabulous work we have been doing this week. I hope you are really excited.
We have been learning about division. We have learned to divide by 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9. We loved it. Our times tables helped us a lot. We really enjoyed learning about it in room 26. Miss White helped us a lot. We really liked it.
We also have been learning about engineering. We’ve been making our own engineering project. We got to make our drawings and it is a competition for everyone in Primary 5. The engineer picks whose design is the best but everyone’s design is really good. Everyone loved it and it was really fun.
Thank you for reading this fabulous blog. Come back for more fun blogs next time.
Hania, Aiza, Asiya
March 21, 2025
by Ms McIver
A snapshot of this week:
– Scrabble spelling
– Rehearsals, rehearsals, rehearsals!
– Improper and mixed number fractions
– Red Nose Angles
– Soft Start creations
March 21, 2025
by Miss Finch
This week Room 5 enjoyed their trip to Whitelee Windfarm. It was the first time the school had ever gone here for a trip and it didn’t disappoint! The children have been learning about Sustainability in class, how they can reduce their carbon footprint and different forms of energy that can be used to create electricity. During the trip the children took part in a workshop, where they were able to carry out investigations to see how solar, wind and hydro power can be effective in creating electricity. We then went on a little tour of the wind farm and got to see a turbine up close. Did you know that they are taller than the length of 11 buses together! 300 feet! The children were amazed are the amount of them scattered around and also how huge they were.
In other news our sound this week was a_e which we found quite tricky. We are continuing to learn how to tell the time. We also have something up our sleeves for Mothers Day next week
Congratulations to Sophia who took home our class Mascot, Nelly, and also to Lily who deservedly won our Star Reader certificate!
March 21, 2025
by Miss Macfarlane
This week we have been busy finishing off our designs and writing our pitch letters for the engineering competition. We are so excited about submitting these! Miss Higgins and Miss Macfarlane have both been so impressed by our ideas.
In Maths this week we finished our topic on data handling and have begun exploring how to construct 3D shapes from nets. We designed and created boxes for our Red Noses using cube nets. Also for Red Nose Day we made comics featuring our very own Red Nose characters.
We had our second last fitness session in PE today. We are all doing well with improving our stamina during running.
Here are some of our highlights:
KH: “I liked multiplying 2 digits by 1 in Maths.”
SM: “I enjoyed playing rugby matches in PE.”
AR: “I enjoyed making my calendar in French and learning how to say when my birthday is.”
OB: “I liked learning the Easter Story with Miss O’Brien.”
KW: “I really enjoyed making the Red Nose Day cube boxes.”
IM: “I enjoyed Music with Miss Caldwell.”
FNQ: “I enjoyed listening to the poems of the day.”
KE: “I enjoyed DEAR time outside.”
AM: “I really enjoyed making my comic.”
AG: “I enjoyed reading the poem to the class.”
Thank you for reading our blog.
Have a nice weekend,
Room 27, Miss Higgins and Miss Macfarlane
March 21, 2025
by Mrs Ventre
Room 1 have had a super week, please see below what the boys and girls have enjoyed learning about:
Writing 17 using the rhymes – OR
I liked being a pirate when learning about football – EW
Reading our class book – KMcD
Listening to ‘all the ways to make 17’ song – CM
Playing football on the pitch – CW
Learning words with our new sound ‘sh’
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Ventre and Room 1
March 21, 2025
by Miss Lockhart
Hi everyone, Happy Friday!
We have had another busy week, we have …
“Decorated T-shirts for our hockey festival next week.” M
“Had Fun 31 today and I was a hairdresser.” I
“Tried to write a summary about our reading book.” D
“Explored volume and capacity in Maths.” C
“Started our new outdoor P.E. sport – it’s tennis!” H
“Redid the bleep test, I nearly completed it!” J
“Played dodgeball.” I
“Written about whether every child should have a pet.” I
“Read more of George’s Marvellous Medicine.” H
Have a lovely weekend and Happy Red Nose Day.
From Room 15 :).
March 21, 2025
by Mrs Rae
This week and last week, Room 3 have been learning all about dinosaur fossils. Last week, we had fun talking about what fossils are and how they can be used as evidence to show that dinosaurs really did live a long time ago. We had a super discussion about how fossils were made over time and then enjoyed making our own salt dough fossils as part of our IDL learning through play. Have a look at some of our designs!
Following on from our fossil making, this week we learned about how these fossils can be found and who does this job. We were exposed to the new word ‘palaeontology’ and learned that this was the name of the job people have when looking and finding fossils. We also learned that these people are called palaeontologists. We began this lesson by seeing if we could find any fossils by using a paintbrush to dust off sand in a tray. We were excited to find parts of a dinosaur amongst the sand and worked together to reassemble this skeleton on the board. After a bit of a debate, we used our prior knowledge to decide that this was the skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Following this, many of us enjoyed using some time during our play to build our own T-Rex skeletons.
Pupil Voice
Below are some comments from our learning this week.
PC – I liked making the red nose for Red Nose Day.
VC – I liked making my clock.
KR – I liked making a base during play with my friends.
ET – I liked learning the ‘sh’ sound.
AR – I liked doing assembly.
RC – I liked learning about the fossils.
ST – I liked when the tables went missing.
CB – I liked when we did some play with the dinosaur bones.
CJ – I liked PE in the pitches yesterday.
LB – I liked colouring in the clock.
Enjoy your weekend!
Room 3 and Mrs Rae
March 21, 2025
by Miss Livingstone
This week in Room 6, we have been learning the a_e split diagraph. In Maths, we have learned time to O’Clock and Half Past and consolidated all learning in Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication. We learned Weather in French, and enjoyed creating some posters. We learned new dance moves in P.E and had fun expressing ourselves to different styles music.
Next week we are moving onto the o_e sound, and will be focusing on Time, Data Analysis and Fraction revision. We will be going outside for P.E next week to try out some different athletic exercises.
Our school trip is on Monday 24th March. Children should bring a warm waterproof jacket, a packed lunch, and a morning snack. They can wear leggings/joggers and comfy shoes, but must have their Newton Farm uniform on the top.
A big well done to our Star Reader, Elsie. Homework is in bags, reading on bug club.
Pupil Voice:
Colton: I liked learning about a_e sound, my favourite word is Snake.
Ari: I liked learning about multiplication again, my favourite times table is 10 x 10.
Nieve: I liked adding and takeaway in maths.
Lucy: I liked learning renewable and non renewable energy.
Abigail: I liked learning about how to say different weathers in French.
Aydin: I liked using the numicon during multiplication.
Elsie: I am really excited about the school trip because my auntie works for Scottish Power and she told me it would be exciting.
Miss Livingstone and Room 6
March 21, 2025
by Mrs Stewart
This week we had a visit from some of our STEM leaders to deliver a session on floating and sinking. This became very competitive, as each group tried to get their boat to carry the most load.