Dear Parent/ Carer
Fraser Gilmour, our Active Schools Coordinator is one of a group of people going to Malawi this year, representing the city and helping the children in Malawi. Malawi Leaders of Learning (MLOL) has been established to improve education in Glasgow and Malawi. It is a project and Scottish partnership that has been forged between the council’s education services and Malawi’s South West Education Division. It’s a two-way charity and development scheme aimed at sharing good practice, resources and teaching expertise between the two countries and ultimately improve the quality of learning and teaching in a challenging environment. Fraser has to raise funds to pay for his travel and has asked all the schools in the Learning Community to help. Fraser is responsible for organising Sport and Physical Activity sessions in Royston and he has been successful each year in securing Lottery Funding for Lunchtime and After School coaching. This is why all the clubs are free. The money Fraser secures pays the coaches, and we feel that we want to support and help him fund his trip to Malawi.
We will be organising fundraising events in the coming months and all money raised will go to Fraser to help fund his trip. As you know, through our Healthy Fruit Tuckshop, Malawi is supported, as the beneficiary from our profits. This is another way we are supporting Malawi, as well as Fraser.
Fraser’s contact details are below if you would like to find out more about the project or you would like to get involved with the fundraising.
S Kelly