Creating Landmarks

Over the past few week we have been working on a project about creating Scottish landmarks in Minecraft. However before we get to Minecraft we need to plan our drawings first. We did this by first sketching out the various views of our landmark, before moving on to drawing them on A4 squared paper.


We were about to go create them in Minecraft and the technology beat us us. Our newly imaged Raspberry Pi’s didn’t want to talk to our monitors so we went to plan B which was make the models using real blocks. To do this we had to go round all the classes and borrow the blocks they all use for counting. However it was helpful to see our pictures start to come to life and we are really excited about getting them created in Minecraft soon as the pi’s are now sorted out.

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Free Meals/Clothing Grant Entitlement

Please can I remind all parents to apply for clothing grant and free meal entitlement, if you are eligible to do so. Even if your child is in P1-3 and receives a free meal anyway, you should still apply in order to access clothing grant. If your child has recently progressed to primary 4, they will now no longer automatically receive a free meal, you will have to apply for this. Please contact the school office for the correct paperwork, and if you require assistance in completing the information, please do let us know. We know from statistics that there is quite a significant gap between those eligible for grants and those taking up the grant. Further information can be found on the Glasgow City Council website  or please contact us for more information.

September 2015 Issue 2 Newsletter

September 2015 Issue 2

Open afternoon

We will be having our first open afternoon on Thursday the 24th September 2015. This will run from 2-3pm and we hope that you as parents and carers can manage in for some time to visit your child’s class. During that time your child will be engaged in learning in class and the teacher will be teaching, therefore it will not be a meeting with the teacher, simply an opportunity to see your child in their classroom environment. Your child may have the chance to show you some of their great work and talk you through important aspects of their school development. Continue reading “September 2015 Issue 2 Newsletter”

August Newsletter

Welcome back! It is lovely to see all pupils and parents back around school again as we start a very busy and exciting new session. I hope you all had a smooth and restful summer break – despite the weather being a little poor at times! At this time of year there are lots of pieces of information to give you and as always, if you wish to discuss any matter arising, do not hesitate to contact me.

Teacher Drop in

We understand that as your child/children progress onto their next stage in learning with new classes and teachers there may be issues that ‘crop up’ in conversation at home. This session we will be having teacher drop in sessions on 31st August, 1st September and 2nd September in order for you to raise any matters arising, or simply to talk through general concerns regarding your child. This is an optional opportunity and teachers are not ‘requesting’ to see any particular parents/carers at this stage and it will not be a report giving session. It is a chance for you to have an informal access to your child’s teacher should you feel this is needed. These sessions will run on the above dates from 3-3.45pm. Continue reading “August Newsletter”

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