Computing Club is 3 years old now

Our computing club started back again for the term and it’s now 3 years since we first started. We have 2 memebers who have been at the club and not missed any since it started well done Bethany and Jack.

Jack has said that he comes to the club because he thinks the mentor is wonderful, and that he really enjoys the activites we do especially using the makey makey. His most memorable moment is when the Danish visitors came to see us and they got to show them what they had been doing.

Bethany said that she comes to the club because it’s different from other clubs in the school and it’s lots of fun. Her favourite thing that we have done is the makey makey as well!!

Both Jack and Bethany would recommend computing to anyone as it’s lots of fun to do.

February/March Newsletter

Busy Busy!

My apologies for putting this newsletter out early but I feel there are so many new and exciting things going on in Royston Primary that I would like to let you know about. PLEASE READ! Some of our pupils say that parents/carers do not read our newsletters and this would be a real shame if it were the case. This is one of the main ways we communicate with you and let you know about school life.

Parent Evening

As you know parent meetings were changed to 1st March. This will indeed go ahead and appointments will be out imminently. Appointments will be around 10 minutes depending on class size however if you feel you need longer to discuss issues then please do let us know and we can make a separate appointment time.

Continue reading “February/March Newsletter”

December Newsletter

There are a number of important outings and events happening over the coming weeks. I do hope you can join with us and support your children at as many as possible…

Christmas Choir
The choir have been practicing very hard with Mr Doherty during lunch times and now have a full set of Christmas carols and songs to perform. Dates for performances are:

• 7th December – Forge Shopping Centre 11.30-12.30 and 1-2pm (at the Primark end)
• 9th December – Glasgow Fort – 2.30-4pm (near to Next)
• 17th December – St Rollox Tesco 11-12pm
• 18th December – At school service – 9.45am
• 21st December – The Forge Asda – 1.30-2.30pm

It would be great if you could come along and see the pupils sing for a short time in order to show your support. Continue reading “December Newsletter”

November Newsletter

Parent Evening
This will be held on the 24th November from 3.30-8pm. You will receive an appointment time and more details about this in the next day or two. Interim reports are being written at present and will be issued prior to parents evening. I look forward to seeing you all then.
As always in school, there have been more staff changes. This is unavoidable and is something that we learnt to embrace positively. Every new member of staff will bring a new dimension to a team and we can use this to the benefit of the pupils. Pupils are missing Ms Tarbert but have welcomed Miss Bonner to Royston Primary. Miss Bonner is working in all classes and has settled in well. Pupils have been extremely welcoming and helping her feel ‘at home’.
We will be having teaching students start very soon in primary 1 and primary 2. Students do at times have full responsibility for their class however this is very closely overseen by the class teacher. We have also been very lucky to be chosen for ‘literacy clinic’. This is a programme run by Strathclyde University where some pupils are selected to work with teaching students in order to enhance their literacy skills.
We have a volunteer called Mickdona working with various classes. She is there to support pupils where she can, and gain some experience of school and teaching. Continue reading “November Newsletter”

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