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S5 Prelim Letter

S5 Prelim Examinations


Dear Parent / Carer,


Your child will be undertaking their S5 Prelim Exams from Monday 19th November – Tuesday 27th November.  Exam timetables have been issued.  Your child should only attend school on the days and times of their exams.  In order to make sure that these exams run smoothly it is important that all pupils arrive early for their exams in order to be registered. Pupils should register in the assembly hall 30 minutes before the beginning of each exam. Please see table below.

Exam start time


Registration time













It is vital that we have 100% attendance at these exams and there will be text message reminders going out the day before each exam to ensure all pupils attend on time. In order to help prepare your child for their prelims we have put in place a mini support package during PSE time, where pupils have had input on study skills, preparing for exams and exam motivation.  It is also vital that your child is studying at home and preparing for these exams.  If you have any questions regarding the prelim exams please contact me on 0141 582 0100 or


Yours sincerely,

Mr Neil

Depute Head Teacher (S5&S6)

National Anti-Bullying Week

Next week is national Anti-Bullying week (12th-16th November) and there will be a number of things going on in classes and around school to raise awareness amongst pupils and staff.

The S6 senior leadership team will be delivering a presentation on ‘Respect’ and what it means to pupils at assemblies this week.

Some of the junior PSE classes will be doing activities focusing on anti bullying as well as some work in certain departments.

The S6 team will have some stalls in the foyer to display some information and to talk to pupils who want to know more. They will also be selling some merchandise to raise money for the Anti-Bullying alliance charity who do a lot of work in schools to teach staff and pupils about how to deal with bullying.

tips for children

tips for children tips for parents

HHS Remembers – Roy Douglas Harvey

‘HHS Remembers’project invites pupils, parents and the community to remember the Great War and it’s impact on our lives.

The project will take pupils into the trenches, bring alive the memories of former pupils who have fallen, investigate influential and inspiring people and reflect upon our own values and what it means to be kind, ambitious, have integrity, resilient and respectful.

Recently, the school was contacted by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission(CWGC) regarding a former pupil, Private Roy Douglas Harvey. Private Harvey was killed on 11th August 1918 during the Battle of Amiens. The inscription on his headstone, “My task accomplished and the long day done”, has inspired former poet laureate Sir Andrew Motion for his poem Armistice, which was commissioned by CWGC. Read more about Private Douglas, and Motions poem below.

Private Roy Douglas Harvey Royal Scots


  Andrew Motion uses headstone tributes to write new war …

Families of soldiers killed in the first world war had just 66 characters for their loved ones’ headstone inscriptions. Photograph: Alamy Some chose from the scriptures. Others, from literature …

‘Lest we forget’

Words that Burn

The Amnesty International Group recently took part in Amnesty’s ‘Words that Burn’ national project, which encourages young people to explore and express human rights through poetry.
The took part in the ‘Make Difference in a Minute’ challenge and performed poems that they wrote on the theme of women’s rights.
We have been delighted to hear that their poems have been included in a book that has been sent in solidarity to Azza Soliman, a lawyer and women’s rights defender who is facing imprisonment in Egypt. Amnesty have recently received feedback that the solidarity Azza is receiving has made her feel she is not alone in this fight, and that the recognition of her efforts has given her the power to continue in the darkest times.
You can find out more about Azza here: