YMI 20th Anniversary Project

2023 is a very special year, as we celebrate twenty years of Scotland’s Youth Music Initiative.
To celebrate, we’re going to focus on the song ‘Highland Cathedral’, which is a long time favourite of Glasgow’s Music Services. We’ve split the song between P1-7 and recorded some videos to help you learn your part. Below you will find teaching videos, backing tracks and lyrics to help you learn your section of the song.
Once you’ve learned this, please record your classes performing alongside the backing tracks. We will collect all your video performances and make them part of city wide digital extravaganza!
We can’t wait to see your performances!
Please send your video to Martin O’Neill (gw16oneillmartin@glowmail.org.uk) by the 10th of March 2023.

Section A – P5 & P6

Downloadable Teacher Resource Pack 


Section A Lyrics

Land of my fathers, we will always be
Faithful and loyal to our own country.
In times of danger we will set you free,
Lead you to glory and to victory.

Section A Backing Track
Section B (Gàidhlig)

Luchdadh a-nuas leabhar-iùil an Tidseir 

Section B Lyrics

Èirich le eudmhorachd, do ghuth is seinn
Anns an Eaglais Mhòr Ghàidhealach, tigh Dhe, an Rìgh.
Saorsa is subhachas do mhuinntir fhèin.
Beannaichte seunta luchd ar tìr ro chaomh.

Section B Backing Track
Section C – P1 & P2

Downloadable Teacher Resource Pack 

Section C Lyrics

Gone is the past, let us start anew
Let this hope of peace always remain.
Spirit of Scotia be strong and true
Then your children will smile again.

Section C Backing Track
Section D – P7

Downloadable Teacher Resource Pack 

Section D Lyrics

Hail, Caledonia, to our ancient prayer,
In this Highland Cathedral let our standards bear.
Joining together with one dream to share,
God bless the people of this land so fair.

Section D Backing Track
Section E & G – Everyone

Downloadable Teacher Resource Pack 

Sections E & G Lyrics

Rise, Caledonia, let your voices ring
In this Highland Cathedral of our God and King
Whom joy and liberty to all will bring
Come, let your heart with love and courage sing.

Section E Backing Track
Section G Backing Track
Section F – P3 & P4

Downloadable Teacher Resource Pack 

Section F Lyrics

Lonely the exile o’er distant seas,
The home of their birth gone from their eyes.
Bring back their souls o’er the ocean breeze
To the land where their fathers lie.

Section F Backing Track
Backing Tracks
Vocal Reference Guide