Scotland’s Castles!!!

During our topic of Scotland we’ve been learning about the similarities and differences between Scottish Castles. We found out that most castles were similar as they had flags, were built on high ground and put together with stone. They were different in that some castles were built next to a river whilst other’s were built in forests.

After finding out about the similarities and differences between 10 castles, we plotted their locations onto a blank Scotland map. We used an atlas to help us with this task before sticking the completed map into our topic jotters.

Erin’s favourite castle was Edinburgh Castle as she liked how they always set off the one o’clock gun at the same time each day. Skye preferred Dunnoter Castle as this castle is surrounded by both forest and water.

We look forward to learning about castle life this week during topic!

Mr Fry, Erin Harvey and Skye Neillie