Primary Two are hard at work.



“We have been learning about words that start with the sound ‘ch’.   We did magnetic letters to make words with ‘ch’ in them.  We used play dough and made words with them too. We used pipe cleaners and we had to bend them to make the letters.  Chicken, chips, chimpanzee and cheetah are some of the words I thought of.”



“I have been learning about 2D shapes.   We were counting the edges.  We made pattern pictures with the shapes.  We played blocks with the shapes and piled them up.  We had circles. rectangles. triangles. squares, semi-circles and octagons.  Octagons have eight sides.  I am in the Triangle Group and that’s a 2D shape.  The Circle Group were learning the same as me.”


“I’ve been learning about money.  We are learning to take away money and give change. We went to play shops with the money so we could give change.  We were learning about notes and coins.   I am in the Squares Group.”


HEALTH AND WELLBEING (Physical Education)

“In P.E. we have been bouncing the ball and throwing with a partner and catching stuff like balls and beanbags.  We played a game where we were throwing beanbags into the hoop. We were dribbling the ball with bouncing. In basketball you dribble and bounce the ball. “



“We dip apples in honey on Rosh Hashanah.  It’s the Jewish new year.”


“We hear the shofar blowing in school everyday. There are four notes.  You hear one hundred notes in a day.”


“We are making cards for Rosh Hashanah.  Mine has apples on it. We are learning a song too.”
