Tag Archives: P.E.

All about this week


“We have been learning about Autumn.  We took whiteboards and pens outside to look around and we wrote down words of things we saw. When we came back to the classroom, we writed in our jotters what we saw.  We did a mind map. A mind map has a word in the middle and then lines coming out with our ideas.”



“We wrote some Autumn poems”




“I have been working really hard on writing neater.  I now make sure I write on the lines. “



“With Shosh and Mrs Rosenberg we have been learning about how g-d created the world. On Day one g-d made light and dark.  On day two, g-d separated the sky and the sea.  On day three, g-d created the flowers, trees, plants, vegetables and fruit on the trees. On day four, g-d created the stars, sun and the moon.  On day five, g-d created birds and fish.  On day six, g-d made the rest of the animals and a man called Adam.  On day seven, g-d rested.”

All of Primary Two


“We had a coach called Tommy come to our P.E. lesson.  He played football games with us.  We talked about different movements like running, hopping and skipping. We did kicking skills and we had to trap the ball.  I loved the lesson.  It was really fun”


Dusgust and Sulley

Dusgust and Sulley continue to be a big part of our classroom…


“So what we did was we drew any kind of monster you liked, like with squiggles and foot prints.  We added some details so that’s the eyes and the tongue.  We folded the tongue one way, then the other and then the other way and so.  The black one was for inside the mouth. We were learning about monsters because they don’t know how to behave so we are trying to teach our class monster how to behave. I think our monster is learning because it has had good people so far to teach her.”


“Here is Sulley and Dusgust. Dusgust is the little guy.” Logan


Our All about me tree

“We did some writing about how we feel.  It is a flower tree.  We put up lots of branches and then added our flowers.  I writed about my Dad because he makes me happy and takes me around in his purple car.”




“I was in the middle and other people threw the ball and I had to get it but they didn’t want me to get it.  I did catch the ball all the times and then I wasn’t in the middle.  We played ball games like bouncing the ball and throwing bean bags in the hoop.  I can throw it far. My ball skills are improving and I’m very god at basketball. I play basketball at my house and outside at school.”



“We helped make the whole school charter.  We had to make a promise hand with our name on it.  Miss Abercrombie made the whole school charter.”


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We are the scary, scary monsters of Primary Two!


“We have been doing a story about a monster and we have to tell him how to behave.   The story is called ‘The day a monster comes to school’.  We had to write rules for him and drew some pictures and then we got to show our writing to our friends and share the rules we made up.  We have a class monster called Dusgust.  You get to take Dusgust home if you show good behaviour in class.  We also have his cousin in class called Sulley but he stays in school because he is too big. He is MASSIVE!”



Squares Group – measuring in Kg

“We have been weighing things.  We weighed ourselves and I was 18kg. We weighed pasta, sand and paint.  We also weighed a little fluffy ball that was so light. I was heavier than the pasta, the sand and the paint.”


Triangles Group – Numbers to twenty

The Triangles Group have been learning about numbers to twenty.  They have been learning strategies to identify a missing digit to twenty.

Circles Group – Time (O’clock times)

“Its easy to do.  You use clocks. The teacher shows us and asks us to do something and then you do it on the clock.”



“We were working with Primary Seven on our skills. We was doing bouncing, gymnastics, dancing, basketball.  We like working with Primary Seven and they mostly wear their gym clothes.  They are kind and very patient and fashionable. They are really good and well skilled and they know lots.”

Jonah and Sophie


“We have made cards and practiced our songs and we wish everybody in the school, even to the teachers, a happy new year!  (We even wish the people who have left our school now a happy new year)”
