Category Archives: Social Studies

We have achieved our 8th ECO flag!

We have achieved our 8th ECO-Schools Scotland Green Flag Award!

We are delighted to receive such positive feedback including

“I really like that your children took part in your Environmental Review.”

“It is wonderful to see you learning to grow your own food.”

“I really like your emphasis on your children learning about people from different cultures and backgrounds and how they can help those in need.”

“You have done a great job involving your local community in your Eco-Schools activities.”

“I really like your Eco-Code, as it is so catchy!”

Click here to see some of our ECO-Schools evidence.

Welcome to our Goldfish!

We were interested in getting some fish for our playroom. We talked about what we would need to do to care for fish. We made a list of all the things we would need.

           “I have a fish at home. You have to feed it every day.”- Ralph

             “We need money to buy fish food.” -Conin

We bought 2 goldfish and voted to decide their names. We chose Rainbow and Goldie.

We made a feeding chart to make sure our goldfish are not over-fed.

We created a set of rules to help us take care of our fish.

We love to sit and just watch the goldfish in their tank.

Our Strawberry Patch

by Mrs Wilson

The strawberry plants that we planted in April have finished producing fruit so we have been very busy caring for our strawberry patch.

We have been weeding out some grass that has grown there and cutting off leaves that have turned brown.

We noticed that lots of runners have grown from our strawberry plants and we have been learning how to plant these using compost, pots, trowels, dibbers and watering cans, so that we can grow new strawberry plants.


One of the children thought it would be a good idea to make a new sign for our strawberry patch so we used some old wood and acrylic paint to make a new one. 

We have also been developing our awareness of how we can care for the environment by reusing and recycling different items.  We made our own plant food by cutting up banana skins, left over from snack,  into small pieces and adding them to old bottles filled with water.  After a few days, the banana water will be ready to use as plant food to help our strawberry runners to grow.  



Eco – Wormery

The Orchard bubble had a great experience creating a wormery. They were involved in every step of the process. We started off by watching a video instructing us on how to start creating a wormery. It provided us with information on the benefits of having a wormery. The first thing we started doing was drilling lots of holes in our box which took quite a number of days. The children thought this was: ‘Hard work.’

After we had finished drilling the holes in the box it was then time to add our compost into the box to start creating a nice home for our worms. The children were developing their gross motor skills by helping to pour the heavy bag of compost into the box. The children thought that: “The worms are really going to love their new home.”

Miss Maclean had ordered special composting worms from the internet and they had arrived. The children couldn’t believe that you could order worms from the internet. We sat down at group time and looked at the worms and Miss Maclean explained why we needed to use composting worms. The children had even remembered that: “The wormery helps us recycle” and “they will help make compost.”


Now that the worms are in their new home the children love to care and look after them everyday. “We spray the worms to give them a drink.” “We need to give them our food waste.” The Orchard bubble are attached to their worms and want them moved into the next room we move to.

“Miss Maclean can we look at the worms again.”

Volcano Fun!

Over the past few weeks, the children have been investigating dinosaurs and where they lived.

After using different reference books the children decided that the dinosaurs must have lived with a volcano.

We used the internet to investigate what makes volcanos erupt.

We decided to make our own volcano using a plastic bottle and paper mache. We used bicarbonate of soda, washing up liquid and vinegar to make lava.

“Can you make dinosaur land?” Sorley

“Look at the lava, it looks hot and dangerous.” Fraser

“The dinosaurs lived along time ago, they are now extinct.” Zachary

“Will it explode?” Scott “No it will erupt, because the lava gets very hot, you know.” Maria


Young archaeologists and paleontologists

We have been very interested in dinosaurs and this led us to find out about fossils and how paleontologists use fossils to explore plants and animals from the past.

We also discovered archaeologists find out about people in the past by exploring artifacts often found from archaeological digs.

We created our own fossils and hid artifacts in clay and carried out our own ‘dig’ in the sand tray. We used tools such as small chisels, rakes, brushes and small hammers as we worked.

Roads, runways, routes and ramps

In the construction area we have been working together to develop the area. We used small construction resources to build vehicles and used the large blocks to create roads and ramps.  We added a runway for aeroplanes and have created more roads using tape.  As we play, we are exploring forces using ramps and gutters to create slopes and we are learning about direction using arrows.