
Confident Individuals – Burns’ Supper Preparation

It has been a busy week of Burns’ Supper preparation in Transition class. The class have been Confident Individuals making name tags and hats, trying on kilts, rehearsing singing Burns’ songs, practicing signing and refreshing our memories on setting a table. Everyone played their part well and we are all looking forward to filming our efforts next week.


Oak Highlights

This week in the Oak class we have been confident individuals and successful learners in all hard work tasks set across the curriculum.

Everyone has returned to school and completed the first full week back with a motivated frame of mind. We have had many great personal achievements this week, a great start to 2022! Keep this up team Oak!

Everyday before lunch we take part in some active movement, this is us showing our flexibility during yoga, using our foot as a telephone. Then we all enjoy a relaxing meditation story before lunch comes.

We worked hard during numeracy work, theme was sorting and ordering coins, months, days, seasons and special seasonal events.

Independence and confidence during cooking lessons is improving well. This week group 1 enjoyed making toast and scrambled egg. Everyone really enjoyed it despite the pepper lid falling off and falling into the mixture.



Yesterday we explored colours.  We explored our colour boxes and matched the correct objects to the coloured box. We also matched the coloured fish to the matching coloured bowl.  Some of the Bluebells played a game where they rolled the dice and then put the coloured cylinder onto the balancing ladybird. Some also matched the coloured word on the teddy to the correct coloured top and scarf. We also explored coloured shapes and put them into the shape sorter.  We also used different coloured crayons to make marks to colour in our 2022 crowns. Today we used lots of different coloured squares to collage on our 2022 numbers.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

Successful Learners – Literacy and Numeracy Combination

The Transition class were Successful Learners applying their numeracy and literacy skills in a combined task. The class read a Christmas story pulling out key events. They then had different time lines to match to clock faces. The class worked really well despite it being the end of term! Well done everyone!


Successful Learners – Numeracy

The Transition class were Successful Learners when they used their numeracy skills to find patterns in small sections of photographs and match them with bigger pictures. The class matched snowmen, presents and all things Christmassy!


Christmas Wishes

*Successful Learners   *Confident Individuals    *Effective Contributors

Here is a collection of photographs showing some Christmas activities we have been doing in class over and above those already blogged. We have been busy! We wish you all a very happy Christmas and a good 2022.


Effective Contributors – Numeracy

Santa had a problem. One of his letters had been written in code. Fortunately the Transition class were on hand and were Effective Contributors working together to crack the code. Well done everyone on helping Santa understand the letter!


Successful Learners – SQA Pictograms

The Transition class were Successful Learners when they worked on their SQA topic. They counted Nativity symbols and applied each total to their pictogram. Great numeracy skills on show. Well done everybody!


IDL – Numeracy – Scottish Flag Size Ordering

*Confident Individuals       *Successful Learners

We cut out flags and ordered them in size, from largest to smallest.


Effective Contributors – Whole School Snowman Project

The Transition class were Effective Contributors when they helped prepare the judging for next week’s Snowman competition. Excellent numeracy skills were on show when they read Mr Nicoll’s plan and matched each snowman with it’s correct number. Thanks for your help everyone!

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