Curling’s cool tournament

Rhian, Rowan, Olivia and lee recently took part in the inter-school curling tournament which took place at the North West Castle Ice rink.  They displayed great sportsmanship.  The team were not placed, but did enjoy their day mixing and playing with senior pupils from other schools.  Many thanks to Sian Roberts for supervising the pupils at this event.

#Successful learners

Wigtownshire badminton success!

Well done to Rowan and Rhian who  competed in the Wigtownshire badminton championships at Newton Stewart, last night.

After many games, Rowan was awarded a bronze medal for being placed 3rd in the boys competition.

And, for the second year in a row, Rhian was the Wigtownshire Girls badminton champion.  Rhian only dropped 3 points in the whole of the tournament – amazing skills Rhian!

Many thanks must go to Jean Ross who has helped coach pupils in badminton over the years.  I am sure she will be as proud of them as we are.  Little Portpatrick certainly has badminton talent!

Safer internet day

Today we celebrated International Safer Internet Day! This year the theme was: Together for a better internet. Over 160 countries participated, with over 2000 UK schools and organisations too.

The world wide web is a fantastic resource that our parents, grandparents and teachers did not have when growing up – but we do! But all great resources need to be used wisely and there are things to be aware of. We learnt today how to be super computer savvy…

1. Choose to be aware 

Make sure you know the rules about how to behave and stay safe on the sites, games and apps you like to use. Look out for buttons that let you block, mute and report other users who aren’t behaving and always ask for help if there is something you are not sure about.

2. Choose to make sensible choices online 

Always keep your personal information safe and any personal information belonging to your friends and family.  Check with an adult before signing up to a new game or online service and before downloading a new app or game .

3. Choose to ask if it’s okay 

Always think about how your online actions might make others feel. Be a respectful friend online and remember to ask for permission before sharing something about someone else. This could include a picture, video or piece of their personal information like where they live or their full name. Take a look at our Safer Internet Day film to see what other young people think about asking for consent online.

4. Choose to be a role model 

Always be kind to others online and support your friends if they are having a difficult time. You can help your friends by showing them how to block and report in games and apps or by going to talk to a trusted adult with them.

5. Choose to ask for help

If you are ever unsure about something you see online, or anything makes you feel worried, upset or confused then ask a trusted adult for some help and advice.


Remember! Think SMART – Safe, Meeting, Accepting, Reliable, Tell.


Check out for more information including a section with top tips for parents/carers.


Pupils can easily access the ThinkUKnow website via their GLOW launch pad. This has some fantastic games and a Parents/Carers section too.


P1-3 pupils learned all about Smartie the Penguin, who teaches them to be ‘Sensible like Smartie.’

Rhins Badminton champions!

Portpatrick Primary excelled in the Rhins badminton championships which took place at Stranraer Academy today.

For  the second year running, Rhian Palmer was girls singles champion.

Rowan Harbottle was the boys singles champion this year.

And, Lola Darling will be leaving the school tomorrow on a high after finishing 3rd in the girls singles.

This is a tremendous achievement for  the smallest school in the Stranraer cluster – proving it is quality , not quantity that counts!

Many thanks must go to our top coach, Mrs Jean Ross, who has volunteered to give up her own time to help the pupils and was there tonight cheering them all on.

Well done to all our brilliant badminton players !

Marvellous Mount Stewart Christmas party

The boys and girls of Portpatrick Primary were all treated to a generous meal and party night at the Mount Stewart hotel in the village.  Pupils all tucked into a tasty turkey dinner and pud, accompanied by some festive tunes on the piano. 

A special surprise visitor, in the form of Santa , even managed to fit a visit in his busy schedule to reward all the good boys and girls of Portpatrick.

Many thanks must go to all at The Mount Stewart hotel for their hospitality and generosity.

Diversity of Sealife – Food from the sea

All the pupils of Portpatrick Primary school were invited down to the village harbour to meet the father and son team of Rory and Robert Campbell, owner of the local “Campbells” restaurant.

Rory Campbell has recently taken on a new role in representing Scottish food and drink as an ambassador for 2018.  Rory approached the school and offered a session, down at the harbour in Portpatrick ,in order to provide the pupils with an insight as to the harvest available from the local waters.

Robert and Rory showed the children a variety of different local catches – including lobster, crab, dogfish and octopus.  The children were able to see a pregnant lobster as well as a dogfish about to lay it’s young.  The children even got to see the teeth of the lobster up close!  Robert Campbell demonstrated to the school, with the help of a real life lobster, how his creels work. 

As part of the discussion , Robert was able to highlight all the plastic which he had harvested along with the seafood.   Children were shocked to see crisp packets, yogurt pots , coke cans and sweetie wrappers all were caught in the sea this morning too. The dangers of plastic in our waters was clear for the boys and girls of Portpatrick to see.

The session ended with everyone heading round to the slipway to watch Rory and Robert Campbell release the animals back into the sea.  All the adults and pupils agreed it was a very interesting an informative visit in their local community.




Sandhead fun day football champions!

The partnership football team of Leswalt/Portpatrick lifted their second trophy in 2 weeks today, after winning the Sandhead fun day football tournament.  The weather may not have been as glorious as the previous week at Castle Kennedy, but this did not deter the spirit of the team (Rowan, Cameron, Ethan, Millie, Finlay, Rhian and Lachlan.)

The boys and girls never lost a game and made it to the final against Glenluce Primary. After a nil;nil draw at full time it went to penalties to decide the winner.  And after a tense shoot out and some great goalkeeping from Lachlan our partnership team were victorious!

Many thanks must go to Ewan Dodds, the coach and all the parents who have supported and transported the team to all the games this term.


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