P1-4 Learning Superhero – Tim the Team Player!

P1-4 have been learning about ‘growth mindsets’ in their health and wellbeing topic.  They are learning to think about what makes them a ‘good learner’ and use these things more often to ‘grow their minds’ and be the best learner they can be.  Today we were introduced to ‘Tim the Team Player’.

Mrs Henry conducted a secret experiment on the class!! She mixed everyone up in to groups and let the pupils play tricky word snakes and ladders for 10 minutes.  She watched the boys and girls carefully to see if they were being good team players e.g. taking turns, being friendly and kind, helping and supporting others, accepting winning or losing gracefully etc.  The class showed lots of these characteristic but also spoke about how they could improve in other team games and group work.

More superheroes will be introduced along the way.  Once all 8 are known to the class, we will invite parents, carers and friends in to school to learn more about them and how they can be used at home to support learning too!  Information on this will be along soon…

P5/6 outdoor maths on weights and measures

Primary 5/6 spent some time this morning creating their own measuring devices for measuring equivalence in weight.  Ms Whorlow provided them with the necessary materials they had the challenge of using them to create an accurate measurement tool.  Once assembled they went outside with the task of finding an appropriate location to place the scales, before being challenge to find equivalent weights in the playground.

Look at the pictures to see all the skills they used – and fun they had while


A Measurement challenge in P1-4

Today, P1-4 worked in different groups to help them understand why measurement is needed in every day life and why we need to use proper measuring tools to make sure measurements are accurate.

Mrs Henry asked the class to measure the length of a table using anything they wanted!  Some chose pencils, dinosaurs, scissors etc.  When she asked how long the table was, everyone had different answers.  The children began to explore why this was – because the pencils were all different sizes.  There were also gaps in the dinosaur models too so it was very difficult to say what the length was.

We then went in to the hall and the children were asked to measure the width of the hall using strides.  They again had all different answers.  Ava Lily and Abbi discovered that this was because all the children had different lengths of legs so their ‘strides’ were different, giving different measurements!

This showed that some sort of standard tool was needed to measure accurately.  Mrs Henry showed them lots of measuring tools and they discussed what they were used for.  There is now a ‘Measure Investigation Station’ in the classroom for the pupils to explore.

School Christmas Party and Santa visit

The boys and girls got all dressed up in their best party clothes to enjoy a delicious Christmas party buffet along with lots of dancing and Christmas games.  They were also treated to a very special visit from Santa Claus himself, where they received lovely gifts and presents.  As you can see, a great time was had by all.  Thank you Santa for dropping by during such a busy time for you! 🙂



Snow White and the 7 dwarves

Portpatrick Primary school had a trip up to Ayr Gaeity to enjoy a performance of the pantomime “Snow White and the 7 dwarves”.  The trip was generously provided by the Parent council , who paid for the transport and the pantomime tickets.  Pupils enjoyed a delicious lunch at The Stage Door café before taking their seats in the theatre.  At half time the children all had a ice cream, which was paid for by The Mount Stewart Hotel.

Everyone agreed it was a wonderful day – oh yes they did!

P5/6 and Feis Rois put on a fantastic musical performance for the school!

Today, the P5/6 pupils showed they were extremely confident individuals by taking part in a musical performance in front of the audience of P1-4.  They all collaborated together in a group piece then showed fantastic confidence    performing a solo piece of music too.  The P1-4 class gave a standing ovation for this as it was that good!  Well done p5/6 – you should be very proud of your musical talents 🙂


A sad end to a fantastic RME topic on Diwali

P1-4 pupils are very sad that today was the last day of learning about the Hindu Festival of Diwali!  They have taken part in lots of fun activities to help them learn about how the festival of lights is celebrated around the world.

Today, they will bring home rangoli patterns made from sand, diva candles made from clay and some fantastic firework display pictures which symbolise all the celebrations which take place during the festival.

Meal at Mount Stewart

Portpatrick Primary school pupils were recently treated to a lovely Christmas meal, at The Mount Stewart in Portpatrick.  The hotel very kindly provided a turkey dinner for every pupil and finger buffet for their parents, free of charge.  Almost every family at school took advantage of the hospitality offered at The Mount Stewart.  The children all enjoyed a lovely meal while the adults all had the chance to relax and chat.  At the end of the evening the Mount Stewart also provided a very generous goodie bag for each child to take home with them.  They all left the hotel full of the Christmas spirit, and appreciative of the generosity shown towards them all.

Many thanks must go to the Mount Stewart for their sup

port of the school.

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