P5-7 Science – “Electrostatics” -video link lesson

Primary 5-7 had their final Science lesson via video link with Heather Reid, the former weather reporter.
Today they had a series of experiments to investigate how electrostatic charges are produced and a demonstration and discussion on the force of gravity.
The children were able to investigate how an electrostatic force can make objects move without touching them.  They learned  how an electrostatic force occurs when there is an imbalance between negative and positive charges in an object, and how rubbing some objects can cause negative charges to be transferred.
It was a fun, active science session.
This series of Science lessons will be concluded with a whole school trip up to Glasgow Science sentre, in a few weeks time.


P5-7 Pancake making fun

Primary 5, 6, and 7 had belated pancaked making fun at Portpatrick Primary.  They called upon a variety of skills in the process;
  1. language – following instruction texts
  2. weighing – g, measuring – ml,
  3. interpreting recipe to combine ingredients
  4. Tasting and applying sensory descriptors to the experience
  5. Working collaboratively
  6. Identifying food groups present in the food
  7. Evaluating and improving recipes to improve health e.g. adding a side portion of fruit
As well as using all of the skills above, they had fun!  See the photographs for evidence.


P1-4 Healthy Food Fun!

As part of their Health and Wellbeing topic, Miss Baillie has been teaching pupils about the five food groups and what food help to make a balanced diet.  Today, pupils were learning how to make simple, healthy snacks including a fruit salad and healthy pizzas.  Pupils enjoyed preparing the food and selecting the ingredients they wanted to have on their snacks.

The best part is in the tasting though… I am sure parents will enjoy the taste test once they get home!  🙂

P5-7 Outdoor maths

It may have been a grey, cold morning, but that did not stop Miss Whorlow and P5-7 heading outside to do their maths today!
Miss Whorlow issued the pupils with 4 challenges;
  • Estimate and measure –  to draw an accurate grid using metre sticks
  • Transfer shape positions from paper and record coordinates
  • Plot given coordinates and identify resultant shapes
  • Challenge another group by giving coordinates for shapes they have created
The pupils worked co-operatively together on these challenges and their final work is on the tarmac, in chalk , for all to see. 
Back in the warmth of the classroom the pupils have written up their work and placed photographs of the end product in their jotters for evidence.
It is great example of how the staff and children at Portpatrick are using their local environment to develop learning and teaching.

Scots poetry week winners

The month of January saw the pupils at Portpatrick focus on Scots poetry.

The children were busy learning to recite their poem as well as handwriting and creating artwork inspired by the poem.

After much deliberation by the judge, Mr Robert Mc Colm the following winners were selected;


Portpatrick Primary School – Burns results 2015

P1 – ‘Mince and tatties’ – Recitation winners : 1.  Jack Cloy. 2nd equal Kimberley and JJ layton

Handwriting winner – Jack Cloy


P2 – ‘Bull sale’ – Recitation winners : 1. Abbi Johnstone 2.  Finlay Schofield 3.  Keisha Hornby Illustration winner – Abbi Johnstone  : Handwriting winner – Abbi Johnstone


P3 – ‘Wee freenly dug’ – Recitation winners : 1. Rowan Harbottle 2.  Rhian Palmer  3. Lee Gaunt and Myles Hine Illustration winner – Olivia Cummings : Handwriting winner – Olivia Cummings


P4 – ‘Kirk moose’ – Recitation winners : 1. Lachlan Ross.  2.  Jenna Marshall  3.  Mia Santangeli  Illustration winner – Mia Santangeli  : Handwriting winner – Jenna Marshall


P5 – ‘A dug, a dug’ – Recitation winners : 1. Amelia Currie 2.  Danny Gilbert 3.  Tilly Partington and Ashton Hornby      llustration winner – Amelia Currie : Handwriting winner – Ashton Hornby


P6 – ‘Wullie wastle’ – Recitation winners : 1. Lara Cole 2.  Finn Marshall 3.  Magnus Ross

Illustration winner – Abbigale Henry        Handwriting winner – Finn Marshall


P7 – ‘Address to the haggis’ – Recitation winners : 1.  Ruth Belton 2.  Connor Cousins

Illustration winner –Connor Cousins: Handwriting winner – Ruth Belton


Burns lunch for Grandparents

SAM_3733 SAM_3736 SAM_3737 SAM_3738 SAM_3739 SAM_3746The pupils of Portpatrick Primary enjoyed a Burns lunch yesterday in the company of Grandparents and friends .

All the children were allowed to invite others to join them in school for a tasty haggis lunch, cooked by Barbara.

The haggis was addressed by Ruth in Primary 7, before everyone enjoyed lunch in the company of their guests.

After the haggis, the grandparents and friends enjoyed some shortbread with tea or coffee.  The children sang some Scots songs to the assembled audience to conclude the afternoon.

It appears to have been a successful lunch date, with one granny even passing her compliments to the chef, Babara, and asking where she bought the delicious haggis!


Primary 1-4 learn all about magnets and forces

Primary 1-4 have been learning a lot through active learning and experiments in their science topic of magnets and forces.

Pupils have investigated the effect that different surfaces (friction) has on a car, which was rolled down a ramp.  They measured how far the car could travel across a range of different surfaces, such as bubble wrap.

When learning about magnets, pupils have investigated what objects are magnetic in the classroom, before going on to design their own game, using magnets.  Pupils created a track on a paper plate, in which the aim of the game is to drag a magnetic vehicle along the route (using another magnet under the plate).

The series of science lessons have helped the pupils learn more about forces and magnets in a fun way.

Have a look at the photographs of some science in action.

Science experiments with “Heather from the weather”

Primary 5, 6 and 7 form Portpatrick have started work on a series of science experiments, using the video conferencing facilities in school.

Today, they had their first session on “Forces”.  The science lessons are being led by Heather Reid OBE, who is based in Glasgow.  The children were able to talk to Heather using the video link and explain their thinking behind the experiments.

This session will be followed up by another 2 lessons, over the next few weeks.  Have a look at the photos to see some of the pupils busy learning.

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