

A number of children have explored different textures within sensory play using their feet.

Together, the children read the story of the 3 little pigs. They revisited the story re-enacting parts of this within their play.


Here are some of the children having snack together in the garden.

A number of children also continued their transition visits to the 3-5 garden trying out lots of new things.



A few of the children have shown great interest in threading creating bracelets and necklaces.


Jessica used loose parts to create her own aeroplane using this within role-play with others. Owen came up with the idea of adding wheels to the plan using tyres.

Others have been finding different ways to move across apparatus.

Ivie has shown interest in writing numbers.

Oliver and Skyler have been creating models using different construction materials.

A few children have been identifying how they are feeling and showing this by putting their photograph next to a feeling picture.

A few children continue to show an interest in shape sticking magnets together and drawing around them to re-create the shapes.

Others have been investigating the mud kitchen using loose parts and water for cooking role-play.

A few children have been finding and investigating beetles and snails.

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