5 activities you can try with your child this week 27.04.2020

  1. Download the storytime from Cbeebies app or use stories of your own. Share stories together and talk about the characters and what happens in each of the stories. Try to make time to read with your child every day.
2. Create a den together using blankets or sheets. You could use the den for reading stories together.
3. Talk to your child about being active. Active is one of our SHANARRI words. Create an obstacle course with toys and chairs for your child to go over, under, through and around. Demonstrate and model language to your child using the words through, under, around and over.
4. Make musical instruments from anything you can find around the house e.g. pots, pans, wooden spoons, empty plastic bottles, yoghurt pots, milk jugs, rice and pasta.
5. Have a concert or talent show and get people at home and toys to watch.

5 activities you can try with your child this week 20.04.2020

  1. Download the Bookbug app and explore some of the songs and rhymes together. Try and sing a song or rhyme with your child every day.


2. Talk to your child about being healthy. Healthy is one of our SHANARRI words. Encourage your child to help prepare a healthy snack or meal. Talk about the importance of hand washing and how to prepare foods.
3. Practise throwing and catching a ball or a pair of socks.
4. Play the instruction game Simon says together. For example: Simon says touch your head, Simon says touch your toes, Simon says Jump up and down and any other Simon says instructions you can think of.
5. Whilst bathing your child or doing the dishes with your child talk to them about what floats and what might sink demonstrating and modelling the language of float and sink. Encourage your child to find suitable things around the house that float and sink.