Little explorers settling in to nursery

Some of the children have had great fun exploring different construction materials building from and to different heights.


Dannika extended this by hiding objects inside her tower.

They have been developing their measuring skills to create their own paint and playdough.


The children pressed different objects into the playdough to see what shapes and patterns they can make.


In the garden they have been exploring water and creating puddles.

Joshua enjoyed experimenting with different ramps seeing how fast the cars travelled down the ramps.


Some children used the cars to print with paint.

They have also enjoyed exploring mark making using different markers.


Some children have been practising their cutting skills with playdough.


The children have been developing fine motor skills picking up pasta with tongs and threading it on string.

Great adventurers settling back into nursery

Deryn enjoyed exploring the construction blocks making a house for his paw patrol friends. He added a slide for them to go down.

Leila-Rose has been practising writing whilst making a work of art.

Some children have been using the tape measure to measure the lengths of different objects in the garden and the heights of different people.

The children have shown a real interest in looking for minibeasts in the garden including worms, slugs and lady birds. We had a look at some fact books to find out about different parts of the slug and what they like to eat. We also found out that that they curl up when they sense danger.

Harrison, Maya and Jacob worked together to build a house.

Lily’s baby wasn’t well so she talked to Gill about what she could do to help her feel better.

“Her not feel well.” (Lily)  “Her maybe have a fever.” (Lily) She decided baby needed to go to the doctors.

In the garden they have enjoyed using construction blocks and crates to create their own obstacle course experimenting with different ramps and challenging themselves to climb and jump from different heights.

In the garden, some children explored different materials they could use to press into the playdough making different imprints and patterns.

We have been practising our routine for when we come back in from the garden. We hang up our coats, take off our wellies, put our wellies together and return them to the basket. We keep our shoes in the basket when we are not wearing them so we do not lose them.

We have been looking at the trees in the garden seeing how much the have grown over summer. Some children enjoyed using paint to create pictures of the trees looking at a photograph of one of the large trees in the garden.

Malcolm decided the cart full of blocks was like a castle climbing onto it. “King of the castle” (Malcolm said)

We have also been role-playing a garage filling up the bikes with petrol and pumping up the tyres with air when they got a hole in them. They didn’t forget to pay their money each time their bikes and scooters got fixed.

Lewis was practising his click and drag skills on the computer and felt a sense of achievement when he was able to do this on his own to complete his game.

Harrison set up an ice cream shop offering lots of flavours of ice creams for his friends to buy.