Somaya has been using the visuals learning what each of the symbols means.
In snack the children enjoyed making their own healthy wraps.
Lots of children have enjoyed exploring paint using brushes and paint pens.
The boys and girls have been busy with lots of learning. They have stuck photos of what they have been learning in the floor book and enjoyed looking back at it to remember what they have been learning.
Lots of children enjoyed making their own playdough and investigating what they can do with it.
Some of the boys and girls enjoy playing peek a boo hiding in the tee pee.
The little explorers enjoyed looking at their learning journals seeing photos of themselves and remembering some of the experiences they had.
Riley enjoyed exploring a story trying hard to turn the pages by herself.
Tyler was busy in the home corner making food for Ayva.
A few of the children enjoyed exploring small world figures making the figures come to life.
In Big Noise the boys and girls have been listening to the violin. This week they helped Gordon to play it.
The children had lots of fun on the trip to the Deer Centre.
The children enjoy regular visits to the sensory room exploring the lights and mirrors.
Some of the boys and girls have had transition visits to the 3-5s room this term. They enjoyed playing in the garden exploring with water and different pipes. They also enjoyed mark making and exploring the tools at the workbench.
The children enjoy having snack outside when the weather is nice.
The children have been busy in the garden planting.
Riley enjoyed exploring bubbles in the garden.