The great adventurers week 28 and 29

Last week the ABC and beyond word was shy meaning easily frightened. The children had to decide whether a situation would make them feel shy or not shy.

Last week the children enjoyed some parachute games in the garden in the sunshine. they were practising their listening and team work skills.

Some of the children were working with the P6 buddies doing different activities to help them to develop their fine motor skills.

The blue group had a trip to the library this week. They enjoyed choosing new stories to take back to the library and having the opportunity to dress up.

In the garden the children enjoyed developing their gross motor skills completing an obstacle course. They were using balance and trying to jump off the wooden box in different ways. The adults and P6 buddies joined in too.

Kayla was doing forward rolls on the mat.

Harrison enjoyed participating in another obstacle course showing good balance.

The children have shown a keen interest in volcanoes. They did an experiment in the garden using Mentos and fizzy juice to create their own mini explosions. They had great fun doing it as a team and then did their own experiments.

Arlo demonstrated tiling using shapes. He made a robot.

In the playdough area we have been practising our sharing skills.

In art some children have enjoyed making their own creations using clay.

Jorgie was busy at the work bench planning what she was going to do and making sure she kept herself safe.

Kacper enjoyed exploring sound finding out what happened when he tapped different tins. He tapped them in different orders to see what sounds they would make together.

Jacob has shown a keen interest in learning to write his name copying letters.

Dalia has been practising writing numbers.

Harleigh and Alisha made great use of loose parts and natural resources they found in the garden to create their own campfire and BBQ.

Today we celebrated Ivy turning 4! Happy birthday Ivy from all your friends at nursery.


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