This week our ABC and beyond word was height meaning distance from top to bottom. The children guessed then measure the height of different toys. Then they ordered the toys from tallest to smallest.
The used metre sticks to measure bigger objects around the nursery.
In mini ABC the word this week was massive meaning really big. The children sorted the animals into massive and not massive.
Harper set up a shop selling scarves and hats.
Jack set up a Mcdonalds to take drive through orders.
Some children developed their fine motor skills playing with peg boards and creating their own patterns.
A group of children helped to pick some herbs to put inside the nursery.
A group of children enjoyed playing with the trucks and ramps in the garden.
Some children helped to prepare snack practising their cutting skills.
Here are some children enjoying their snack.
Ronin enjoyed creating his own music finding out the different sounds he could make.
Layla and Leila-Rose enjoyed role playing the hairdressers.