The ABC and beyond sparkle word this week was prefer meaning to like better. The children did an activity in their groups where they had to vote on what they preferred out of two options.
The pre-school children enjoyed having their first visit from the primary 6 buddies who will be helping to look after them when they are in primary 1. They had lots of fun playing with them.
This week Dot had 2 questions for the pre-school children.
We talked about who we could speak to if we were finding our work at school hard or if we didn’t know the answer to something. We talked about people at home, our family, the teacher and our friends as people who can help us.
In the garden they enjoyed building towers with giant Lego blocks. they worked together to see how high they could make their towers.
The children enjoyed having the gate open and being able to venture between the two gardens. Some of the boys enjoyed playing on the climbing frame developing their gross motor skills.
Some children enjoyed writing and others drew pictures.
Others enjoyed exploring water in the garden.