Tag Archives: eco

Recycled Bottle Fish

We are on holiday at the moment but before we came off we were working on recycling some of the bottles we had collected into these fantastic fish.

First we covered the bottle with a layer of newspaper and a layer of paper towel. Then we added another layer of tissue paper and glue to make them really colourful. We made eyes by taping on some recycled bottle tops. We also covered these with tissue. Finally, we made tails and fins from coloured card and added some sparkles. We have also added a hook and some string so we can hang them up. Don’t they look fantastic?

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/bp2w5PsRdHY" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

More about recycling

Today a small group of us went to visit the recycling centre in Arbroath.

This is where all our recycled items go once they have been picked up by the kerbside collection vans.

It was very interesting and we are going to report back to the rest of the class tomorrow.

Thank you to Charlie for showing us around.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/qVG9HXM7u1E" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Recycling art – Jar Tealights

On Friday we made some tealight holders by re-using glass jars we had been collecting. We covered them with squares of tissue paper and a thin layer of watered down glue. We added some sequin sparkles around the top to make them look even more special. Keep looking out for more recycled art over the coming weeks!

This Superstar liked them so much she went home and made her own!

Look what I made!


We'll be growing some of these!

A wee group of us went over to the allotment at lunchtime with Mrs Stewart and Mrs Finlayson. We dug another trench and planted some more potatoes.

We are really excited because the raised beds are going to be built next week.

Ready for work.
Working together.


Hard at work measuring and planting.

Today we all went over to the allotment to plant the first of our tatties. We were planting the Duke of Yorks.

The boys from Mrs Finlayson’s room had already dug a trench. We had to plant the potatoes 30cms apart, so we took our rulers with us to make sure they were far enough apart.

We ran out of space to plant all of the tatties so we are hoping to go over within the next couple of days to dig ourselves another trench.

On our way to the allotment.

Bottle Greenhouse

We have had deliveries of plastic bottles to our classroom every day for the plastic bottle greenhouse that we are hoping to build over at our allotment. Lots of people throughout the school have been busy saving them for us. Thank you everybody.

When we have a spare moment we are busy washing them, removing the labels and cutting off the bottoms. We have quite a lot of bottles already but are still looking for more. The target is 1,500.

The cutting bit is quite tricky to get started.
The bottles need to be fitted together.

Helping Hands Trees

We have been learning about creation in RME with Mrs Smith. We talked about how God made the world and how we could use our “helping hands” to keep our world beautiful. We made these lovely posters by drawing outlines of our hands to make into trees and then adding a sentence about our “helping hands.” Since we are an eco school we thought about ways we could help our environment.