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Instructional Videos

Today we worked together to make some instructional videos on how to make our homemade toothpaste. We think we did a super job. We will be able to show them to other classes so they can make the toothpaste too!

Afterwards we were able to use this to write our instructions. We think the videos really helped us think about the importance of getting the instructions in the right order and not missing anything out.

Please have a look and leave us a comment if you can.

Note.  If you are having trouble viewing double click click on video and it will take you to You  Tube where they will play more easily.

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[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Making toothpaste

Today we tried making our own toothpaste as part of our teeth topic. We used glycerine (to bind it together), bicarbonate of soda (fights off bacteria), salt (acts as an abrasive) and peppermint food colouring.

Mrs Stewart made a little tester but it was too salty. We reduced the amount of salt we used when we made our own and added more peppermint. We then tested it with our new toothbrushes. However, we all agreed it was MINGING (we have been talking about Scottish words this week!). We will be sticking to our usual toothpaste in future!

We don't think we'll be using this at bedtime!

Our Art

Today, we finished off our snowflake pictures by adding tissue paper circles and snowflakes we had made from art straws. We have added them to our Antarctic Explorer role play area which is currently under contruction in our classroom.

We also started another art project which we will show you next week once it is finished!

Scots Poetry Competition

Today Mrs Robb came to our classroom to pick the finalists for the Scots Poetry Competition to be held next week. Mrs Stewart was glad she didn’t have to choose because everyone was so good! Now you can listen too.

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[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

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Instructions and leaflets

This term we are concentrating on non-fiction writing and the features of non-fiction books. In the morning we worked in groups to write instructions for the bird feeders we made on our special Eco day. This group worked really well together and produced a super set of instructions. They reached all the writing targets by numbering their instructions and writing about the steps in order, including all the important information while making sure it made sense and using bossy verbs. Well done!

In the afternoon we discussed some of the features of non-fiction books using our library topic books about Antarctica. We looked at the contents page and the purpose of a glossary. We also looked at how the cover might differ from a fiction book.

We then began to make leaflets about Antarctica. We chose penguins to decorate the cover of the leaflet. We will finish these over the coming weeks.

Some of our leaflets.

Properties of 3D shapes

We are great at naming 3D shapes but thought we could be a wee bit better at describing their properties. Today we worked in groups to make mind maps about 3D shapes and their properties. We then described them to the rest of the class.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Scott of the Antarctic

Today we started to learn about Captain Robert Falcon Scott. He was one of the early explorers to Antarctica. He led two expeditions. The first of these was on board a ship called the “Discovery” in 1901. This is of special interest to us because this ship is now docked in Dundee and we are going to visit it in two week’s time.

We are beginning to learn about writing non-fiction texts. Mrs Stewart gave us a piece of writing about Captain Scott. We had to highlight important information, then we worked together to put this into bullet points. We discussed how bullet points are a good way of summarising information. We made a poster about Captain Scott using some of our bullet points.

One of our posters using bullet points.

Mrs Stewart has a new Flip video camera. We made this wee video as a test. We think we are going to be using it a lot to share our learning with you!

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