Lights! Camera! Action!

Today's filmstars!

Today a group of us went out with Mrs Stewart to start shooting our video guide to Arbroath. We started off with a tour of the park and beach at the West Links. We are making this to put on our new wiki. A wiki is a kind of website that lots of people can contribute to and work on.

We are going to be working with our friends at Dunipace School in Falkirk and the Big Byte Learning Institute in Taiwan.

We will be sharing details of our wiki with you soon.

Emperor Penguins

Filling in the details.

Today we worked together to draw and paint some Emperor Penguins for a display in the hall outside our classroom. We have learned that Emperor Penguins are one of only three animals that live all the year round in Antarctica. The can grow to about one metre in height which is about the same height as a child in Primary 1!

We will add the finishing touches next week.

Helping Hands Trees

We have been learning about creation in RME with Mrs Smith. We talked about how God made the world and how we could use our “helping hands” to keep our world beautiful. We made these lovely posters by drawing outlines of our hands to make into trees and then adding a sentence about our “helping hands.” Since we are an eco school we thought about ways we could help our environment.

Toothpaste advertisement

We worked in groups to create television advertisements for our various brands of toothpaste. These are the first to be ready and Mrs Stewart thinks we did a fantastic job. Which one would you buy?

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[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

More allotment news

Our allotment is making progress. The students from Angus College came to rotivate the soil and the boys in Mrs Finlayson’s class have tidied away some of the rubbish.

A big improvement!

We are hoping that some of the children in our class can go over in the coming weeks and help spread some compost on top.

We are planning to grow some potatoes to start off with. Mrs Finlayson came through to tell us about “chitting” potatoes. Chitting is the process of placing seed potatoes in a cool, light place to encourage strong sturdy shoots to grow before they are planted in the ground. We have placed some potatoes upright in an egg box in our classroom to “chit” them. We have two varieties called Maris Bard and Duke of York. We are hoping that these will be ready to harvest before the summer holidays.