ELC Week Beginning 5.06.23

Lending Library The children love reading books. The P6 children thought it would be a good idea to set up a lending library so that the children from the ELC could take some of their favourite books home for a while. They have chosen a range of books that they thing the children will like and have gathered them together into a box. If you would like to borrow a book just sign it out and then when you have finished having fun with it at home just sign it back in and take another. The P6 children will keep refreshing the books at are available. if you have a special request for a book you would like to borrow just let us know and the children will do their best to find it.  

Parental involvement Some mums and dads have offered to come in over the next few weeks to talk about to the  children about their jobs. If this is something you would like to do just let the member of staff who greets you at the door (on the week that it’s their turn to do door duty we fondly refer to them as ‘The Butler’. If you would like to do this but can’t fit it in just now, please don’t worry as this is something tht can be ongoing throughout the year.  

Possible Developments for Next Year Because we take our lead from the children as their interests develop we don’t tend to plan in advance in a rigid way. However,  this is the time of year when we have to formally record our aspirations for Improvements that we think are suitable for next session. If there is anything you would like to suggest that we incorporate into the life of our nursery please let us know. One of our mums Marie Harrison is going to help us capture families opinions about this in a light hearted and informal manner before the end of term. Have a think about what you would like and we can chat about ideas when we meet. Watch this space and the ELC noticeboard for the date of the gathering. 

Dates for your diary 

Week of the 19th June is our induction days. This is when our new P1 children will move over to the main building to meet their teacher and new classmates for next session. They will go over on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and will also have the chance to join the school in the lunchhall at lunchtime. If you are the parent of a 4yr old and would like to accompany your child you can eat your lunch together you will both be made very welcome. Just let Janette in the office know your plan for that week. I think the cost of an adult meal is £3.20 I’ll check this and confirm here.  

Parent Discussions / ELC Parent Night

These will take place during the day on the Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd June.  The staff of the ELC will arrange a mutually convenient time for you to meet with them to discuss your child’s progress. 

Monday 26th – ELC trip – details to follow

Tuesday 27th ELC party @1pm

Wed 28th June @ 10:30 AmThe ,children have decided that this year we are going to have a ‘Congradulation’ Ceremony. This will take place on the morning of Wed 28th June @ 10:30 Am. Parents and families of the children who are 4 years old are invited to this cheery event which will be held in the gymhall.  

Thursday 29th @3pm the children in the ELC,  P7 and others that we know are leaving us for pastures new this year will process out of the school led by a young local piper who is a former pupil. Family and friends are invited to gather at the top of the brae to cheer them on. Fingers crossed for a sunny day. 

Friday 30th School closes for the Summer holidays @1pm – yippee


Week beginning 29.05.23

Monday Holiday

Please remember there is no nursery on Monday. We will reopen as usual on Tuesday. 

Congratulations Following their success at interview on Friday, I am delighted to confirm that Kasia and Isla will remain with us as part of Team Taynuilt on a permanent basis.  I am sure you will join with me in congratulating them.  

Stay and Play We are introducing a new opportunity this week. If our trial run is successful we plan to repeat Stay and Play Sessions on a monthly basis. Please give it a go and then let us know what you think. If you would like to stay on after drop off in the morning to play with your child in the ELC just pick one day this week and prepare yourself for some fun. We are sure the children will enjoy showing you their favourite activities. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday From Drop Off Time – 9:30AM

ELC Week Beginning 22.05.23

On Friday we are closed for INSERVICE training.

Monday is also a holiday

The school will also be closed next Monday the 29th as this is a holiday. ELC Garden Now that the external works have been completed the children will work out the next part of the plan for how they want to use the garden space. A waterbutt has already been dragged into position and the mud kitchen is open for business once more.  Watch this space for some yummy recipes.

ELC Week Beginning 18.05.23

All being well we plan to hole our Sports day on Friday of this week.

The ELC children will remain in school for the morning session and will walk down to the sports field after their lunch. The traditional races and shinnanigans will take place in the afternoon. All families and the village community are welcome to attend- and can arrive anytime between 1 and 3 pm. Children will be collected from the sports field as we are not returning to school at the end of the day. Children should bring a sun hat and sunscreen as they will be outside for a long time. Cool water and ice lollies will be available for all. 

ELC week beginning 15.05.23

Adaptations to our ELC

As you will see a second handle has been added to the ELC door. Both handles have to be operated at the same time for the door to open, this is to ensure that the children can’t open the door from the inside. The old fence and shed have been removed and the new green mesh fence is now in place. 

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