Early Numeracy Policy

Numeracy Policy

Staff involvement
This policy was drawn up in the consultation with the Head Teacher of Taynuilt Primary School and the staff of Taynuilt Pre 5 Unit.

‘All teachers have responsibility for promoting the development of numeracy. With an increased emphasis upon numeracy for all young people, teachers will need to plan to revisit and consolidate numeracy skills throughout schooling’
(Building the Curriculum 1)

Numeracy is not only a subset of mathematics but also a fundamental life skill which is involved in all areas of learning. It gives increased opportunities within the world of work and provides individuals with the knowledge, concepts and skills required for life-long learning. It is therefore essential to equip children with these skills to contribute effectively to society, and for teachers to look for opportunities to develop and reinforce numeracy and mathematics skills within the children’s learning,


The definition of Numeracy as defined in Curriculum for Excellence is:

Competence with numbers and using graphical skills in relation to:

  • Basic number processes.
  • Estimation and rounding.
  • Aspects of fractions. percentages and decimal fractions,
  • Aspects of information handling.
  • Provide all effective framework for the delivery of high quality learning in numeracy.

Successful Numerate Learners can:
Engage with enthusiasm, commitment and openness

  • Think innovatively when addressing numerical problems.
  • Use technology successfully in addressing numeracy issues.
  • Think creatively and independently by presenting work in different ways.
  • Learn independently by searching, selecting, processing, synthesising and transforming numerical information from a range of sources.
  • Learn as part of a group by discussing and clarifying their numerical understanding.
  • Use numerical skills successfully over a range of curricular areas and in different types of learning situations.

Confident Numerate Individuals can:
Show self respect, a sense of well being and values

  • Demonstrate self-awareness by reflecting on the relevance of numerical skills across a range of disciplines and using these skills appropriately.
  • Apply numerical skills confidently to lead and independent life style.
  • Relate to others by describing solutions, listening and alternative views attentively and responding appropriately.
  • Use numeracy confidently in a range of real life situations.
  • Express solutions creatively in a way that engages others.

Effective Numerate Contributors can:
Develop resilience, self-reliance and an enterprising attitude

  • Apply skills and understanding to creatively and logically solve problems.
  • Develop resilience by working on suitably challenging problems, both alone and with others.
  • Communicate solutions effectively to a wider audience.
  • Apply critical numerical thinking in new contexts by posing and reflecting on solutions.

Responsible Numerate Citizens can:
Develop empathy and respect for others

  • Develop knowledge of how numeracy is applied in everyday life.
  • Use numerical information to make informed decisions.
  • Interpret numerical data to draw conclusions, assess risk and make reasoned evaluations.


  • Ensure all learners are provided with maximum opportunities to acquire, understand and apply numerical and mathematical skills effectively and with confidence.
  • Raise levels of achievement and attainment in numeracy among all learners.
  • To enable children to use numeracy of some sort on a daily basis.
  • To enhance the children’s learning and development.


Developing numeracy through play/ Children involvement:

  • Children are involved when selecting numeracy activities.
  • Displaying numeracy all around the playroom and not just in one area tp create a rich environment.
  • Activities are meaningful which encourages curiosity.
  • Creating a rich environment with appropriate resources.
  • Talk about letter sounds and rhyming words.
  • Use rich open ended questions to encourage learning.
  • Act as role models for children in terms of numeracy.
  • Help to encourage children to hold their paintbrush/pencil the correct way.
  • Numeracy is available indoors and outdoors.
  • Ensure there are appropriate labels and posters on display in the room to encourage children to explore.
  • Display a number line in the room.
  • Always have books available which include numeracy.
  • Active Maths activities are available to the children.
  • Monitor children’s progress.
  • Observe children in order to support and extend their learning about numeracy.
  • Take account of individual patterns of learning and stages of development.
  • Provide support for children with additional support needs.





Involving parents as partners

At Taynuilt Pre 5 Unit we aim to ensure parents are aware of how to help develop and reinforce their children’s skills at home and take an active role in their learning by:

  • Regular communication regarding their children’s progress and stage of development.
  • Ensuring written information on developing skills in all aspects of communication and language are available.
  • Organising parent workshops/open days, where possible, on specific aspects of developing communication and language in young children.
  • Suggest numeracy activities in Home Links sheets.


Monitoring and Review
It is the responsibility of the Head Teacher along with the Pre 5 staff to monitor, evaluate and review the above arrangements and effectiveness of this policy and adjust them according to need.




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