The Dental inspections for P7 and P1 are scheduled to take place in school today.
Mrs Cooper on Outdoor Learning Course
Easter celebrations
This was a very busy day to end the term with both The Eggybition and Church Service being held in the morning.
Mrs Garvin’s Last Day
Mrs Garvin who has been our Acting Head since November is leaving us today. We send her our warmest thanks and best wishes for the future.
Parents Evenings for P7/6 and P5/4
Parents evenings have been arranged for tonight and tomorrow for P7/6 and P5/4.
Individual appointment times have been allocated by the school office.
Gardening Club starts
P2 and P7 start their 5 week block of Gardening Club today. Mrs Davis and Mrs Robinson will be helloing them to prepare veg for the local Show in August.