A big thank you to Gary Goldie for taking P7/6 out and about the village foraging for wild food! They learned lots about the various species and grew muscles digging up pig nuts!
Samba Drumming
P4-7 have been very lucky to have weekly samba lessons with Martin Douglas, learning rhythms and keeping beats on a variety of different instruments. A huge thank you to Martin for this experience.
School Clothing Grant
Forms for School Clothing Grant are now available from the school office or the municipal Buildings in Albany Street.
HIMDF Music Festival
Miss Potts – Last day
Miss Potts our PE teacher is leaving today.
Mrs Boyd at Storyline Course
P5/4 visit to the Floating Classroom @ Dunstaffnage
P5/4 will be visiting the floating classroom at Dunstaffnage Marina today.
Mrs McPhearson at Management Course
Mrs Love at Number Talks Course
Parent Forum Meeting
There will be a meeting of the Parent Forum in the school tonight at 6Pm. All welcome.