As part of their topic on ‘The Visitors Centre’ P1-3 paid a visit to the Crauachan Visitors Centre to interview the staff about their roles.
Exploring the Visitors Centre | |
Taynuilt Primary School and ELC
The life and learning of a village school in the west of Scotland
As part of their topic on ‘The Visitors Centre’ P1-3 paid a visit to the Crauachan Visitors Centre to interview the staff about their roles.
Exploring the Visitors Centre | |
Well done to the kids and parents that took part in the walk up Beinn Lora on Saturday. Everyone said it was a brilliant day and parents all commented that the kids had a fantastic team spirit, encouraging and cheering each other to the summit.
The BBQ at the school after was lovely and it was great to see families from nursery to P7 come along, FOTS have been asked to do this again as it was enjoyed so much!
Ben Lora Fundraiser and Barbecue | |
On Wednesday afternoon, as part of the ELC to P1 transition days, our new P1s made fairy cakes with their new buddies. They were yummy!
Making cakes and new friends | |
Primary 1-3 have been making their visitors centre as part of their topic this term. They have had great fun designing and building the centre over the past few weeks. They have been writing about the staff the centre would need, including writing job adverts for them and have designed a staff uniform. They are currently busy planing the grand opening ceremony!
Designing and building a visitors centre | |
Annual Improvement Establishment Plan | |
Action Plan Summary for Stakeholders eg Parent Council, Pupils, Community Partners | |
P4-7 worked together yesterday afternoon with a den building competition – teams had limited resources which they had to trade each other for, learning how to utilise resources, negotiate and communicate as a team to build a successful den which every member of the team had to be able to fit inside!
The children starting P1 in August will have their induction sessions in school Today and tomorrow. Parents are welcome to join them for lunch from 11:45 if they wish.
This week our P7 pupils will attend Oban High for their induction.
P1-3 had a fantastic visit to Bonawe Iron Furnace last week as part of their Taynuilt visitor centre topic. They learned all about bellows and water wheels and how iron was extracted and how long people have been using iron.