Race night raises £1700
Spooky Bingo Fun
This family event raised £185 for school funds
Backpacks for Mary’s Meals
Mrs Harden and Mrs Livingstone organised the donations that families had made over the autumn term to the backpack appeal so that the bags could be sent off to the needy children in Africa.
A total of ??? bags were sent and we received this certificate to acknowledge the generosity of the Taynuilt Primary School community.
Rag Bag Bin Emptied
A total of £ ? was raised.
many thanks to all who contributed.
Fire Safety Talk
Mr Dave Millward came to remind us how to keep ourselves safe while still having fun on Bonfire night.
6 week block of Sports Coaching for P2/1 begins
For the next 6 weeks a team of pupils from Oban High School will be working as Sports Coaches with P2/1. They have prepared a range of exciting activities to get P2/1 active and to improve their basic sports skills.
After school club golf for P2/1
Lewis McM put his young leader training into practice when he set up an after school golf club for P2/1.
School closes for end of term @ 3.15 Pm
school reopens at 9 Am on Monday 21st Oct