Monthly Archives: March 2020

World Nursery Rhyme Week: Section 4

Section 4: Posters and Certificates


Black and White:







Black and White:





World Nursery Rhyme Week: Section 2

Section 2: Rhyme a Day Resources

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Mrs Mactivity Resources:

Baa-Black-Sheep_Colouring-In-Sheets-UK • Baa-Black-Sheep_Cutting-Exercise-UK • BBS Borders Collection UK • BBS Pencil Control UK • BBS Playdough Mats UK • BBS Rock Stickers UK • BBS Role Playing Masks UK • BBS Sentence Scramble UK • BBS Sequencing Activity UK • BBS Word Trace UK

Piccolo MP3:

Audio Player


Piccolo Music Activity Sheets:

BBS Foundation KS1 UK • BBS Preschool Families UK


Down in the Jungle

Mrs Mactivity Resources:

DITJ Borders Collection UK • DITJ Colouring Sheets UK • DITJ Cone Toys UK • DITJ Cutting Exercise UK • DITJ Pencil Control UK • DITJ Playdough Mats UK • DITJ Rock Stickers UK • DITJ Sentence Scramble UK • DITJ Sequencing Activity UK • DITJ Word Trace UK

Piccolo MP3:

Audio Player


Piccolo Music Activity Sheets:

DITJ Foundation KS1 UKDITJ Preschool Families UK


Incy Wincy Spider

Mrs Mactivity Resources:

Incy-Wincy_Colouring-in-sheets-UK • Incy-Wincy_Cutting-Sheet-Exercise-UK • IW Borders Collection UK • IW Pencil Control UK • IW Playdough Mat UK • IW Rock Stickers UK • IW Sentence Scramble UK • IW Sequencing Activity UK • IW Spider Puppet UK • IW Word Trace UK

Piccolo MP3:

Audio Player


Piccolo Music Activity Sheets:

IW Foundation KS1 UKIW Preschool Families UK


Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Mrs Mactivity Resources:

RRRYB Border Collection UKRRRYB Colouring Sheets UK • RRRYB Cutting Exercise UK • RRRYB Paperchains UK • RRRYB Pencil Control UK • RRRYB Playdough Mat UK • RRRYB Rock Stickers UK • RRRYB Sentence Scramble UK • RRRYB Sequencing Activity UK • RRRYB Word Trace UK

Piccolo MP3:

Audio Player


Piccolo Music Activity Sheets:

RRRYB Foundation KS1 UK • RRRYB Preschool Families UK


Two Little Dickie Birds

Mrs Mactivity Resources:

TLDB Borders Collection UKTLDB Colouring Sheets UK • TLDB Cutting Exercise UK • TLDB Finger Puppet UK • TLDB Pencil Control UK • TLDB Playdough Mat UK • TLDB Rock Stickers UK • TLDB Sentence Scramble UK • TLDB Sequencing Activity UK • TLDB Word Trace UK

Piccolo MP3:

Audio Player


Piccolo Music Activity Sheets:

TLDB Foundation KS1 UKTLDB Preschool Families UK

Downloadable Resources

Please find downloadable Early Years resources below:


Baa Baa Black Sheep Activity Sheet • Five Cupcakes Activity SheetFive Lollipops Activity SheetHey Diddle Diddle Activity Sheet • Homemade Bubbles Recipe • Humpty Dumpty Activity Sheet • I Spy a Picture Book • I’m a Little Teapot Activity Sheet • If You’re Happy and You Know It Activity Sheet • Incy Wincy Spider Activity Sheet • Jack and Jill Activity Sheet • Little Bo Peep Activity Sheet • Mary Mary Quite Contrary Activity Sheet • Nature Walk Scavenger Hunt • No Cook Playdough • Paddington Maze • Paddington Wordsearch • Pat-a-Cake Activity Sheet • Ring-a-Ring o’Roses Activity Sheet • Sing a Song of Sixpence Activity Sheet • Spring Hunt Checklist • Things to Do at Home • This Little Piggy Activity Sheet • Three Blind Mice Activity Sheet • Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Activity Sheet


Songs and Rhymes

Counting Numbers Song • Five Enormous Dinosaurs Counting Song • Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer Nursery Rhyme • In the Park, We Play Counting Song • One Potato, Two Potato Song • The Minibeasts Came in Two by Two Song

World Nursery Rhyme Week Resources

Section 1: Welcome and ContactsSection 2: Rhyme a Day ResourcesSection 3: Additional Activity IdeasSection 4: Posters and CertificatesSection 5: Colouring BookSection 6: LogosSection 7: Quiz

Information and Other Resources

Borrow Box Information • Buttons Mice – Virus Story • Buttons Mice in the LockdownClosure Advice – Ideas for Practitioners and Managers • Early Years Home Learning Collection • Ideas for Loose Parts Play • Playdough Tray Examples to Promote Learning and Development

Learning Resources

Early Years Downloads

Click here to view an updated list of websites for supporting home learning, organised by different age groups ranging from Pre-5 to S3

Click here to view a list of Virtual Tours and Experiences that you can engage in from home

Social Media, Screen Time and More

“Mind Yer Time” is a resource designed to help children and young people manage their social media and screen time, and to use social media and screens in a healthy way.  It also covers topics such as gaming and apps.  The resource has been co-produced by the Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP) and Children’s Parliament in partnership with the Scottish Government.  The resource is accessible here:

Early Level (P1), First Level (P2-4) and Second Level (P5-7): Websites, Resources and Free Subscriptions to access Learning Resources

Learning at Home – Primary

Below is information, suggestions and timetables which may help you with learning at home with your child(ren).  These are suitable for Early, First and Second Levels.  Click on the image you wish to view to enlarge it.  These can also be printed, and a blank timetable template (suitable for all three levels) is also provided below, which you can print and fill in if you wish.

Learning at Home – Primary – Introduction

Blank Timetable Template

Early Level Timetable and Ideas (Printable; click to enlarge):


First Level Timetable and Ideas (Printable; click to enlarge):



Second Level Timetable (Printable; click to enlarge):

Websites and Free Subscriptions to Access Learning Resources

All Areas


Health & Wellbeing 


Literacy & Language 




Early and Middle Years




Upper Primary to Early Secondary


Maths & Numeracy 


Science/Outdoor Learning 


Project Based Learning 

(20 days of projects for reading, thinking and growing- broken down in to stages)


Computing and Coding


Arts, Crafts and Music