Port Ellen Primary School Clubs

In Port Ellen Primary School we have created clubs to teach other people skills and also to improve leadership skills. The clubs and their leaders are:

  • Kodu club, run by Rhys, Aidan, Donald and Ciaran
  • Playground Games club run by Ellen, Caitidh and Millie
  • Board Game Club run by Charlie, Scott and Drew
  • iMovie club run by Alexander, Evie, Braedan and Rhuraidh
  • Mindfulness club run by Mara, Charlotte, Dearbhla, Orla and Harmoni
  • Football club run by Jack, Holly, Aaron and Freya

Robert Burns Poems

The whole school is learning their Burns poem and primary 6 have Auld Lang Syne to learn and primary 7 have the poem that they do every year and it is Address To The Haggis.  We got our poems 3 weeks before the day that we have to say the poem so we had quite a lot of time to remember there poems and by now most of the people know there poems and they are working on there expression and there Scottish accent. Burns day is on the 25th of January but we have to say our poems to the judges in the morning. The address to the haggis is the most difficult one to remember. Every year we invite the locals to come up to the school and we have a good time and sing songs and first place in each poem has to go on the stage and say there poem. We always decorate the hall and we have a burns dinner.

This is Address to a Haggis poem by Robert Burns

Fair fa’ your honest, sonsie face,
Great chieftain o the puddin’-race!
Aboon them a’ ye tak your place,
Painch, tripe, or thairm:
Weel are ye worthy o’ a grace
As lang’s my arm.

The groaning trencher there ye fill,
Your hurdies like a distant hill,
Your pin wad help to mend a mill
In time o need,
While thro your pores the dews distil
Like amber bead.

His knife see rustic Labour dight,
An cut you up wi ready slight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
Like onie ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
Warm-reekin, rich!

Then, horn for horn, they stretch an strive:
Deil tak the hindmost, on they drive,
Till a’ their weel-swall’d kytes belyve
Are bent like drums;
The auld Guidman, maist like to rive,
‘Bethankit’ hums.

Is there that owre his French ragout,
Or olio that wad staw a sow,
Or fricassee wad mak her spew
Wi perfect scunner,
Looks down wi sneering, scornfu view
On sic a dinner?

Poor devil! see him owre his trash,
As feckless as a wither’d rash,
His spindle shank a guid whip-lash,
His nieve a nit;
Thro bloody flood or field to dash,
O how unfit!

But mark the Rustic, haggis-fed,
The trembling earth resounds his tread,
Clap in his walie nieve a blade,
He’ll make it whissle;
An legs an arms, an heads will sned,
Like taps o thrissle.

Ye Pow’rs, wha mak mankind your care,
And dish them out their bill o fare,
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware
That jaups in luggies:
But, if ye wish her gratefu prayer,
Gie her a Haggis




Review on Annie the Musical By Islay High School

On Wednesday I went to see Annie at Islay High School.  The director of it was Mr Weatherhogg, who also played the piano for some of the songs.  The main charater was Annie who was played by Katie Mactaggart; she must have been very brave because she had to sing by herself.   By far the best song was It’s a hard knock life.

Annie(Kaite Mactaggart)is an orphan who’s been searching for her parents for 11 years.  But she can’t do much because of Mrs Hannagin who dosen`t  let them out.  But one day she escapes in the laundry.  I wasn’t exited to go because I don’t usually like musicals, but I loved it because it turned out to be funny.  Then she meets a billionaire called Mr Warbucks played by Lewis Davey.  He was a really good actor.

In the play Liam,Kai and Nick did the backround with the prejector.  I was amazed how quick they changed the scenes.  My favourite scene was when they were in the mansion with Mr Warbucks.  They must have had to practice a lot to get the timing so perfect.

So I would definitely buy tickets if I was you; it is a great play, also anyone could watch it.  If you are having a bad day just watch it.  Katie Mactaggart was brillant . I enjoyed it so you probly will.

By Caitidh


Laphroaig Christmas Fair

On Wednesday 5th December Laphroaig distillery were holding a Christmas fair.   Port Ellen Primary were selling a few items such as aprons, tea towels, shopping bags and cookbooks.  Laphroaig were selling candles, photo frames and hamper tickets. In the school all vice captains and captains were allowed to go up and try sell our items but were taken up in different groups. The 1st group was Morgan, Dearbhla and Harmoni and they sold quite a bit, they sold out on 2 items which was brilliant. Then Aidan, Ellen and I (Orla) were the 2nd group to go take over the 1st group. When we arrived it wasn’t that busy so we didn’t end up selling anything. We got to have a drink when we got there.  I thought the Laphroaig Christmas fair was fun and it was beautifully decorated. Then when we went back to school the 3rd group came and the people were Millie, Jack and Charlet but they sold a few things. I enjoyed the Christmas fair and I’m sure others did too.

by Orla P6

Port Ellen Juniors vs Islay Youth

On Saturday 23rd November, at the playing fields the primary school teams played from Port Ellen and Islay Youth.  Port Ellen had a great line up of:

Ronaldo: Goals, Cormick: Captain, Jack, Oliver, Aaron, Scott, Oscar, Rhuiridh, Finally  Mathew Campbell: REF

Port Ellen’s girls team was also playing with their line up being:

Holly:Captain/ Goals, Sophie, Lauren, Freya, Rebecca, Rowan, Sarah, Abi, Callin, Ellen

We played both Islay Youth teams. The boys from Port Ellen won every match. The Girls from Port Ellen tied in every game except against Port Ellen Boys when we won 2-0.

Port Ellen’s Junior Boys team then played Islay Youths  Older team our line up was:

Ronaldo: Captain, Aaron, Oliver, Jack, Ryan, Shay, Struan, Toby, Darren,  Mathew REF.

We sadly lost this game 5-1.

The whole tournament was really fun and I we are doing another 5-a side game soon that I am looking forward to.


Bowmore’s Christmas Lights Turn On

On Saturday the 1st of December Bowmore had their lights turned on. It was very busy at the lights but I enjoyed it and it was cold  so everyone had to wrap up warm and there was burgers as well and music. I feel so excited for Christmas and the lights just make me more excited, the lights got turned on at 6:00pm. I felt like we were going to be late but we got there early and it was like 5:30pm. There were lights on the giant Christmas tree and on the lamp posts, there was a lot of people and we went home at 7:00pm.

Thanks to Islay Blog for Photo.

By Alexander Mctavish.

Christmas Fair: Making The Products To Sell

For the School Christmas Fair we got into teams and had to design a company, adopt roles and do market research to make products to sell.  The process of making all the items, cakes and everything else took 2 weeks.  We had a budget of £20. The first thing we did was get into our roles. We were each assigned to the roles we would be good at. Next we had to make our team name/logo. We made our name “The Merry Marauders” and our logo was a gingerbread man.

We then chose what products would make us a profit, and if we would be able to make it in the given time and budget we have. Our first idea was to make cushions, so the manager brought in a lot of stuffing and the school had a sewing machine that we could use. The cushions had  pictures on the top that were also sewn on, however they weren’t very Christmas related.

We needed more items however so we went to make some charm bracelets. We went on Word and made 24 charm bracelet notes out of card, then we got string, put it through a hole in a charm, and tied it around the middle of the charm bracelet note. The charm was a dandelion. We made two more things after that.  We also made wooden decoations.

The next thing we made some dog biscuits. We got some whisky tins, covered them in card which has painted paw prints on, put on a label that says “Santa Paws Christmas Treats” and filled it up with homemade dog biscuits. After that we made one more product. We got small jars, put a wish inside, then put them in a box. We put all of this in a balance sheet, which managed what we have purchased, it’s cost, how much we got for it and the overall profit. We managed to make £44.31. Our group won the competition on who would make the most profit.

Port Ellen Juniors FC

Port Ellen Juniors is a grassroots team that anyone from the age of 4-15 can join. Every Sunday there is a training session for everyone in the team, so that we can get good enough to travel away to the main land and challenge other team’s.

Near the end of November the entire club went away to Bowmore to go and play on the twin-track, in the swimming pool. At the swimming pool everyone was racing each other across the twin track and trying to push each other off or pull someone into the water. It was fun.

Doctor Knowles’ Visit To The School

Doctor Knowles came to visit p4/5 and p6/7 to answer questions about being a doctor and eating food and what is good and bad for the digestion system. Since we have been doing a topic on healthy food and diet, also a digestion system topic, we have been learning a lot of things about health.

When Doctor Knowles came in we asked a lot of intersting questions. We took notes in our science jotters so we would remember the answers she told us. Then we asked more questions about our topic. We then asked questions about being a doctor and doctor Knowles said ”I didn’t think everyone else was doing a great job of it” she said. The other thing is that she is now retired and she travels around the world and we keep track of her jouneys around the world.  It was very interesting.

Celebration of Jesus

On Monday the 3rd of December it was the Christingle which is when people are welcomed to come to church and celebrate Jesus.     I went with Borownies and we use an orange fruit and put tape around it with sweets and a glow stick.

The orange represents the world, the tape around the orange is for his blood, the sweets are for all the people who believed in him. Then the glow stick is how he lights up the world.

We sing lots of different carols that I really enjoy. But my favorite is when the lights go out and we all get to snap are glow sticks. All the little ones stand up the front and sing away in the manger with a candle. The little ones sing the first verse and we join in for the rest. At the end the little ones blow out the candles and we sing the last song about the seasons. I have went every year and I can’t wait for the next one in a years time.

Evie’s Chanter

On Monday’s  I go to chanter and when I go I feel very happy because it is ran by my uncle. He is teaching me  Baby Shark  and the White Swan and Jingle Bells to play for Christmas.

When I first got my chanter It  was very  shocked I was very happy because I’ve wanted to play the bagpipes.

When I blow in to the chanter It makes me feel very dizzy.  I almost bashed in to the table.  Learning the chanter is very interesting and you need to blow not to hard  and not to soft just right and you have to cover all the holes so that you can play the scale the scale is low g, low a ,b, c, d, e, f, high a and high g.

To play a tune you need to learn all the excises you have exercise 7, exercise 8, exercise 9 and exercise 10.  You need to learn all of then and then you can play  Baby Shark and other songs.

I cant wait till Christmas so that I can play Jingle Bells in front  of my family.


The Christmas Fair

On Saturday 1st December we had our School Christmas fair  that we have every year.  We had a bottle stall, tombola and we had Santa in the school to meet all of us and to give us a little present before Christmas.  We had cakes and other items that we made to sell and the cakes sold very fast and all of the cakes sold out so it was a good day and the school made a lot of money in fact the school made £2,200 pounds and we only had face paint and thing that we made and the Santa and a  tombola.

We had face paint and the person who was doing the face paint was Mrs Clark  and she did a great job they all looked stunning. Everyone was enjoying them selves and I thought that the whole of Islay was there, it was that crowded and I was very hot in the hall. I was very excited when I saw Santa because I can’t wait till Christmas and I can’t wait till a new year.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Islay And Jura Dolphins Trip

On Saturday 1st December Islay and Jura Dolphins went to Tolcross Swimming Pool located in Glasgow. I got up early and only then was I told that it was a 50 meter swimming pool. After that I knew that it would be tiring. I was also told we were going to have two sessions both 2 hours! Now I was exited and nervous. We got on the ferry then drove up to Glasgow.

When we arrived at the swimming pool our first glance was at the pool ( it was massive). Much bigger than ours. The first day we swam over just over 1KM then some races at the end. After a while swimming we got out and went to Frankie and Bennies for dinner. It was good. After dinner that night we went bowling! In my group Matthew won but I came 2nd last, altogether there were six of us. It was soon time to go back to the hotel ready for another day of swimming.

That morning we woke up and went to have breakfast to fill us up. We then made our way to the swimming centre for the second time, But this time it was more interesting.  We were swimming in the lane that Adam Peaty broke the world record for 50m breast stroke. That day we swam nearly 2KM.  It certainly felt like that the next day. Before the ferry we had a few hours so we went to Braehead. Struan got a toy sword out of a shop and got it taken off him by one of the workers! Then we made our way home from a funny but tiring weekend.

The Cupcake Challenge

For the Christmas Fair we had to do a cupcake challenge. We were in three groups and making our products before that. We all made a design and chose the best one. Our groups cupcake flavour was apple and toffee flavouring.  The other groups chose their flavour to be banana and chocolate and the other groups flavour was bubblegum and carrot.  My group’s cupcake was pink and red icing. The other groups had: a christmas tree and a snowman as their cupcakes.

For the final assesment we had the cupcake taste test. For the taste test my group got first for it’s looks and it got second for taste. When the cupcake taste test was over we were talking about the snowman cupcake and Mrs MacDonald turned around and said “carrot… bubblegum” and it was really funy.  For profit we came third and we sold out third as well. We tied with the group that got third for taste and looks. The group we drew with got second for profit and second for selling out. The christmas tree group won and we tied in a second.

Guide’s Night

On Monday 3rd in the Ramsey Hall everyone came for guides.  When we were all there we all started by sorting the tables ready to start.  Then the fun began!  Most of us were very silly and just had fun and we got told what we were going to do.  Me, Kaya and Hannah painted little and big toilet roll tubes, which is going to be stuck on to a long brown tube and it will be a christmas tree.  The christmas tree was for the Christingle at the church.  Everyone was joking around and having a great night.  After that we started to tape all the tubes we painted and stuck them on the brown tube.  But you wouldn’t believe what happend when we put the last one on, it fell over and we had to restart!  Afterthat we had to start tidying up and this is when the fun came, we started to paint each other with the paint brushes.  Sadly after something exiting happens it soon has to come to a end.

By Caitidh

Our Dunyvaig Stories

We wrote stories about the history of Dunyvaig.  What would it have been like to be there at the time?  Here is one for you to read…


The siege of Dunyvaig 

by Matthew

One day at Dunyvaig castle everything was very calm the villagers were doing their normal thing .

The farmer was just harvesting wheat. Inside the castle John MacDonald, the Lord of the Isles the owner of the castle was just having not a good feeling. The guard in the tall tower looked into the distance and there were about twenty boats coming towards the castle!  They were very far away.  He told John.  John was shocked but he was ready for a fight. The following day the ships

looked gargantuan now. There were so many ships. “They’re coming our way!” said the guard “this is not good! said his friend “we need to get ready for a big battle in one hour…”

The battle began. “They’re surrounding us!” said the guard “the ship looks like it’s looking at me this is really not good”

“We’re trapped. It’s a siege. We’ll soon have no food and no water at all so we’re all dead.” I’ll go and tell the Lord of the Isles. He talked to John MacDonald and John said we have to try to get food. He tried but he could not. One of the Campbells tried to kill him but then he sprinted back inside back inside. He told John he could not get any food at all so he sat down and went to talk to his friend. He said “I need to get food we are all going to die! Look at the villagers they’re all panicking they’re all so hungry.”

From the tower the guards shot about ten Campbells. It was their only hope hardly anybody could survive.  A lot had died. They needed food immediately they could only last about two more days. They were all going to die and John was panicking a lot. I mean a lot.

Meanwhile one of the heavily armoured guards tried to get food but he was speared by arrows three hit his head and two hit his arm. His arm was fine because he had armour on his arm but he forgot to put on his helmet so he dropped dead. John dropped his seal and made a run for it. John was petrified so he ran fast as a bullet, he was absolutely panicking. The guards were shooting lots of Campbells.  John shot the big muscly one in the leg he had steel on his leg so he was fine. He whipped out his bow and the arrow hit him in his chest he was not dead yet. The big muscly one was angry he was furious he came into the castle.  And John Macdonald ran down to the sea gate and got in a boat.  He sailed away to freedom.  Sadly, the Campbells won the siege and got to keep the castle of Dunyvaig.

picture by Louise

Photoshop-spotting: talking to your child about ‘fake’ images

Young people who are regularly online and on social media will come across thousands of advertising messages a day, most of which include doctored images that can have a big impact on the way they view themselves.  

Here are some ways to start a conversation with your child about edited images. 

Gaelic poems

P4-6 wrote a Gaelic poem about Dun Nuvyig. We painted the back ground using sponges, toothbrushes and other art materials to make the sea and sky affect. We wrote Gaelic phases to make a mixed media piece of artwork. In the end it all looked really good and what we liked about it was that we got to use our imagination.

Remembrance Day 2018

On Sunday 11th of November 2018 it will have been 100 years since world war 1 ended. In school we had 2 minutes of silence to remember all the soldiers who died in world war 1. This year was important to remember the soldiers who were fighting for are country 100 years ago. Sunday came and the war memorial will be lit up down at the pier. People to come and  pay there respects to the people who died in the war. Sunday will go down in history books.


Ellen, Jack, Holly, Aaron, Ciaran and Aidan did this thing called Cycling Proficiency this term where you learn to ride safely on your bike.

P7’s around Argyll and Bute do a cycling test.  First we cycle around the playground, and try to lift your hand of the handle bar so you can signal the driver behind you to tell them which direction you are going such as left or right, you don’t put your hand up if you are going straight.  Before you start to cycle you put your pedals at 2 o’clock and you look behind you and then signal, then you do your life saver. The life saver is when you  look behind to see the if there is traffic behind you for your safety.  After the playground you practice in the road.  There is also a theory test.

I got a C in my cycling test so that means I need to work on my cycling a wee bit more so that I can cycle on the road with all my friends.

Rolls-Royce Award Eden Prize Winners!

Last year Port Ellen was taking part in the Rolls-Royce Science prize through their renewables engineering project.  They were chosen as one of 6 finalists from over 2000 entries.  This week our teachers and George Dean, who works for the Islay Energy Trust,  were away for the Rolls-Royce science prize award ceremony in London.

First they went to Derby on Tuesday 6th November and went to the Rolls-Royce factory and at the factory they saw airplane  engines getting built and some that were finished.  They found it interesting learning about the engines and during the process they had to wear safety gear.   Later they went to London to go to the award ceremony, which was held in the Science Museum. They got ot talk to lots of important people about their project and have some nice food.  They won the Eden award for the best environment project, which was really great!  The awards were shown online, and you can watch them here.

P6/7 Rugby lesson

On Wednesday 7th November Mr.Wright came into Port Ellen Primary school to play some rugby and also play rugby related games with us. Sadly it wasn’t the best weather to go outside so we stayed inside in the hall to play rugby, that was the first ever time Mr.Wright came over and we had to stay inside. We started off with running around the hall in different directions, we weren’t allowed to run in circles, we also had to be careful because there was 17 of us in the hall all running in different directions.

We also played a game with a partner, there was 1 and 2, number 1 had to chase number 2 and touch their shoulder lightly so that nobody would get hurt during the game. If No.1 caught No.2, No.2 would then have to chase No.1. Suddenly the rules where changed around a wee bit, now whoever the chaser was had to touch the other person’s shoulders, then there hips.

Then we started getting into a game where we were all in teams, the teams where green, red, yellow and blue. Each team had to go after the other 2 teams and try get their tags, we only had 2 minutes in each round. At the end of the game we had to count up all the tags, In the first round the Red team got 1st because they got 11 tags and the blue team got 10, yellow team got 6 and lastly our team the green team got 8 tags, In the 2nd round our team the green team won because we got 12 and the other teams got less.

Then we all had to get into a line with green at the front then red in the middle then blue at the back and then across from us was yellow with the rugby balls,  Green had to go first and try to get the persons tag so that they couldn’t get past to win, we had to shout TAG when we got a hold of their tag. We kept on doing this but swapping.  It was good fun!


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