Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Quiz

This is a quiz about the book Charlie And The Chocolate Factory.

1.) Who goes with Charlie to the chocolate factory?

A.)  Mrs Bucket

B.) Grandpa Joe

C.) Willy Wonka

2.) Who gets sucked up the big pipe in the chocolate room?

A.)  Veruca Salt

B.)Violet Beauregarde

C.) Augustus Gloop

3.) How does Charlie leave the chocolate factory ?

A.) Through the roof

B.) Through the door

C.) Through the wall

4.) Who finds the first golden ticket ?

A.) Charlie Bucket

B.) Mike Teevee

C.) Augustus Gloop





2. c

3. a

4. c




Our Science Day!

On the 12th of March Port Ellen Primary School had a science day,when parents could come into school to what we have been learning in STEAM. STEAM stands for science,Technology,Engineering,Arts and Math’s.In the p7 class we had programmed Microbits to solve a problem in Islay. We also had a experiment table were you separate ingredients from a mixture using sieving and more.In the hall downstairs we had Kapla and this group had made a massive tower but then it fell over.Then in the lunch hall bit we had dash and spheros and programmed then to draw and play games.The reason we held this science day was to let parents and children to test out are new STEAM room and to play around with all of are new science equipment.One of the really interesting things was the merge cubes that you could scan and make it do things on a app.

World Book Day

This is my favourite book, Mr Gum and the Cherry Tree by Andy Stanton.  One of my tasks I had to do was draw a picture of your favorite event that happened in the book and mine was when everyone surrounded the cherry tree at night and goblins circle around the tree and sang a song to Mr Gum.

If I was to rate this book I would give it a 5/5 stars.

By Caitidh

/World Book Day – What 3 Presents would You Give To The Main Character?

My book is from the First Aid for Fairy’s collection and Helen is the main character.

The first present I would give to Helen is a new fiddle because all she wants to do with her life is play music; she already has a fiddle but it is old.

The second present I would give her is a new first aid kit because she likes to help her friends get better and heal them so she gets called the healers child.

The last present I would give is a a secret spy house so she could hatch plans and figure out how to save people in trouble.

I really  recommend this book and think you should try out the collection and I’m pretty sure Helen would love these presents.

This is the collection of books go check them out.

Robotics in P3/4/5

We have been doing robotics in school recently.  The children have been learning to think like a computer and develop their digital language and skills.  They have learnt how to code a robot using block code using microbits, spheros and dash.

They then had to design and build their own junk model model robot with a microbot to solve a problem in our classroom.  One was a ‘ghost tracker’ which identified if there was a ghost in the room by changing symbols on the microbit when the model was shaked.

Follow the link below to hear how it works.

Our School Clubs!

Port Ellen Primary School has a thing when the p6/7 get taught by Victoria Renwick about Young Sport Leaderships,That means we get trained to run are own club in school for any age group.This term we are running different types of clubs some are sports related and others are more indoors.Listed below this they’re are clubs that we are running this term.

Monday-Creativity club is run by Caitidh,Orla and Morgan.

Tuesday-Coding club is run by Katyn,Kayla,Phoenix and Evie.

Wednesday-HIT club is run by Braeden and Drew.

Thursday-Cross country club is run by ,Christopher,Scott,Dearbhla Rhuraidh,Aiden and Dylan.

Friday-Dance club is run by Charlet,Millie,Harmoni and Robyn.

Those were all are clubs and we hope all the children like them.



Staying Safe Online: Workshops come to Islay

February the 11th is the UK Safer Internet Day.  The internet, on the whole, is an inspiring and positive place that provides opportunities and experiences we could never have imagined 30 years ago.  It is an amazing resource which enables children and young people to connect, communicate and be creative in a number of different ways, on a range of devices.  However, the internet is always changing, and being able to keep up to date with your children’s use of technology can be a challenge.

Talking to your child about online safety can be hard.  Parents are often confused and bemused by technology online and at a disadvantage when talking to their much more knowledgeable offspring.  We can lack confidence in knowing what to do and how to get help when something goes wrong.  However children and young people still need advice and protection when it comes to managing their lives online.

While Cyber Security protects digital devices and networks from harm by third parties, Online Safety is about keeping people safe when using digital technologies.  By being aware of the nature of the possible threats that you could encounter whilst online, whether it is security threats, handling and safeguarding your personal data, management of your digital footprint, or avoiding harmful or illegal content, you are keeping yourself and your family safe.

Issues that your child may encounter on the internet will vary depending on their age and online activities, and can be grouped into 4 areas according to the UK Safer Internet Centre.

Conduct: children may be at risk because of their own behaviour, for example, by sharing too much information.

Content: age-inappropriate or unreliable content can be available to children.

Contact: children can be contacted by bullies or people who groom or seek to abuse them.

Commercialism: young people can be unaware of hidden costs and advertising in apps, games and websites.

Through funding from Education Scotland’s #STEMnation, an expert from the charity SWGfL will be visiting Islay on Wednesday the 19th of February to work with teachers, pupils and parents on a range of internet safety issues.  There will be a parent workshop (community members also welcome) from 5.30-6.30 at Bowmore Primary school  where you can come along and find out more about how to keep your family safe online and where there will be a chance to ask any questions you may have.  We would love to see as many people as possible coming along to find out more about this vital topic.

YouTube player

Burns Ceilidh

On Thursday 23 January Port Ellen Primary School celebrated Burns Day by opening its doors to the community for a traditional Burns Ceilidh. We had poetry recitals from all of the children, performances from Ella Edgar’s Highland Dancers, music from Mirren Brown and Niall Kirkpatrick and a quiz written by the P6/7 class. The event was very well attended and enjoyed by lots of family and friends of the school as well as others from the Port Ellen Community.

All of the children were to learn a Scottish poem by heart for the occasion. The P1/2 class had two wonderful recitals on a food theme which made the audience smile, the P3/4/5 children told stories about going to the fireworks, the circus and even a cat food rap and the P6/7 class had two traditional Burns poems culminating in ‘Ad- dress to a Haggis.’

Earlier in the day Mrs Holyoake and Miss Brown in the kitchen had prepared the whole school a delicious lunch of chicken and rice soup, mince and potatoes or haggis, neeps and tatties and clootie dumpling or chocolate cake. Although only two of the children were brave enough to try the haggis there were comments of ‘yummy in my tummy’ from lots of the children! We were very lucky to have four special guests to join us for lunch including Mr Mor- rison who led us in the Selkirk Grace.

We would like to thank everyone who came along to celebrate Burns Day with us with special mention to Niall and Mirren for the wonderful music, Dr Dorothy Dennis, Mrs Jean MacDonald, Mr Morrison and Mr John Find- lay for joining us for lunch, Mrs Leask, Mrs MacFarlane and Mrs Murney for setting up the hall and Mrs Holyoake and Miss Brown for our delicious lunch.

Port Ellen Nativity

On Thursday 19th December primary 1and 2 and the nursery performed their nativity. The nativity is about an angel who came to Mary  and said you are going to have a baby. So they rode a donkey to Bethlehem  and tried to get a room at the Inn.  But the innkeeper said there is no room here.  But you can stay in my stable. The angel spoke to the shepherds, the shepherds came and visited the baby first with their lambs. Then 3 kings came to visit and they brought gold, frankincense and myrhh. The nativity was very well performed and we really enjoyed it.

By Rhuraidh

P3-7 Art Club

P 6/7 class have been doing clubs and me, katyn and Kayla have been doing an art club for primary 3-7.  The kids were very happy and got along with each other.  We also helped the nursery make snowflakes.  We also drew a little observational drawing of the Christmas decorations in the hall.  We had 6 children come to our club they made a lot of pictures and they are asking and asking if we can do the club again they said that they enjoyed the club and they would come again.  If the club was on they said they would want to make snowman out of paper.   I said that would be fine and show them how to do them.

On the last day we showed all the club our drawings and we were seeing if   they improved on their skills; we did, shading, observational and imaginative they had smiles on there faces and they were calm and relaxed.  I enjoyed teaching them skills and being around them it was a very calming and relaxing time.  When it was time to pack away they did exactly what they were told.  We did a cool down and a warm up.  Our warm up was we had to shake our hands about and we had to wiggle out fingers. Our cool down was laying on the floor and relaxing our hands, arms and fingers.

By Evie Rose    p6/7


Primary 6/7 are learning RME. There is loads of religious people around the world. There is five pillars of Islam; the first one is Shad Ah. Shad Ah means all Muslims pray for the same God called Allah.  The second one is called Salah which means Muslims pray five times a day. This is my favorite pillar Zakat. Zakat means Muslims give half of their savings to the homeless. I enjoy learning rme because you get to find out about other peoples beliefs.

By Aiden

The HIT Club

At the HIT club you set yourself a goal and push, for you are not trying to defeat other people and you cannot stop since it is “high intensity” training unless you have asthma or some other thing that stops you.  Drew,Braeden and Orla ran it for p4-7 on wednesday and since it was HIGH intensity you could not stop but there was groups that were ran in groups of easy, medium and hard.  Also there was a lot of restrictions in our club since it was in the hall for example we can’t use balls since there is a packed lunch table in there. The good things about this club since you need to push yourself to the goal you’re setting, doing it high intensity means that you can get more exercise in less time and more goals than limits since there is more pushing that relaxing and letting your body feel stiff.  Also since there is not p.e all the time (although some people wish) it is a kind of lesson of p.e in less time. Finally there is other kind of sports clubs ran by p6/7 throughout the week.

Dancing Club

In school this term we were all doing a club and me, Charlet, Harmoni and Elena were doing a dance club. This club was for primary 1/2/3/4. we split up into groups me and Harmoni had primary 2/3/4 because there wasn’t a lot of them and  Charlet and Elena had primary 1.

For the first few weeks we made dances in our groups but then we made a big dance adding everyone’s idea from the little groups we had before. Before they left we did a cool down were they lay down on the floor with the lights off and thought about what the enjoyed most and some of them like to share what they liked. Then they line up and we say if they want to come back which most people do.  I really enjoyed running this club.

Robin & the Sherwood Hoodies

The Perfect Panto
On 12th of December Port Ellen Primary School put together a fabulous pantomime called “Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies,” I had overheard in the co-op from an old lady that the panto was absolutely amazing she had never laughed so much. The panto was fully packed and we sold out instantly the director of this panto was are P6/7 teacher Mrs. Clark.

P6/7 were the main actors of the panto but it included the whole school.Are main person taking lead role was Harmoni as Robin Hood.The people on stage like to include the audience we had many scenes when we did things to the audience for example,we threw a bucket of confetti on them. Personally I thought that the panto was amazing everyone put so much effort and they were happy and cheery the whole way through.


Caitidh-Gloria Gutrencher(This is me)

Elena-Genghis(My evil assistant)

The acting

The acting was on point every one was always doing something on stage either saying their lines or reacting to what people where saying. It wasn’t just acting it was also the singing and dancing.Most people said it was fine when the curtain was closed but when it  opened and saw the crowed they’re heart started pounding.

The Design

The costumes were absolutely beautiful and I cant miss out on the scenery,There was a dungeon/castle which I had helped out on making it and then there was the forest with amazing green glitter all over it.


When it finished so many people started to say to us that it was the best panto that they had ever seen and loads of people congratulated us. Personally I thought it was the best panto I have ever done.

By Caitidh

My Pantomime Review!



This year our panto was Robin Hood and The Sherwood Hoodies!

After hours, days, weeks of trying to make this perfect, sensational, we did it! Finally the curtain has risen, the people are in place, its show time… there was laughs over here and boo’s over there, it was falling right into place and I personally think it was marvelous. I also think everyone was splendid whether it was there character or there expressions and they were just phenomenal. The panto occurred on Thursday the 12th of December and Friday the 13th of December. So I would like to thank port Ellen primary for being amazing and just great at doing what they do best.
Main Stars:
Narrator: Morgan MF, King John: Braeden MG,
Robin Hood: Harmoni E, Merry Men: Millie, Dylan, Phoenix, Kayla, Aiden,
Maid Marion: Dearbhla N, Grabbit: Drew B,
Nursie: Charlet M, Bolt: Evie C,
Sheriff: Orla C.

The funniest sounding panto I have ever heard of. The puns were knee-slapping good, the costumes were stunning and the ctors were just beautful. We had a variety of different characters like a panto dame who was Charlet Munro as Nursie Gusset Gerty, and our dashing, smashing, excellent hero Robin Hood played by the amazing Harmoni Edwards, and we cant forget the chief of mischief the sheriff of nottingham played by the fabulous but evil Orla Campbell. As I have said we had an amazing cast like primary 5 being the gaurds and primary 4 beig the main barre boys along with primary 1/2/3 being extra barrel boys.

My summary of the panto: Normal people of sherwood forest are there poor and penniless and yet paying taxes to that nasty sheriff of nottinghm but then the people of sherwood hire robin hood and his merry men. As the merry men shoot arrows at people and scare off cowards they save sherwood from despair and once all of that is over king richard puts things and matters right. There for sherwood is saved and everyone lived haooily ever after, and then the curatin had fallen.

I would say the panto is 4/5 stars.

I have managed to get my hands on a few peoples opinions on what they thought of the panto

Morgan MF:” It could have been better but it was still very entertaining and enjoyable.”

Millie H: “I think it went super well and everyone was brilliant and the songs were fabulous!”

Christopher J: “Even though there was mistakes it was still really great and I would love to do it again!”

By Orla Campbell P7


Christmas Jumper Day.

On Friday 13th December it was Christmas jumper day at Port Ellen Primary School. On Christmas jumper day you could wear your Christmas jumper  for Save the Children.

If you wore a Christmas jumper to school you had to bring in a donation. The donation that we got went for Save the Children.

We raised £100 altogether.

The Christmas Fair 2019

On Saturday the 7th of December we had a Christmas fair. Every class has to make nice Christmas decorations.

P 6/7 made Christmas Fairy Houses, Bird tree decorations and Aprons. We also made cupcakes there was some Grinch  cakes, Rudolph and Star cakes. P 3/4/5 made very cute and utterly adorable felt animals! They were also selling bundles of wood  for the fire and they created home made Christmas  games. They also had a bottle stall. P 1/2 put cookie mixture in a jar so you can make own biscuits they also made snow globes.

We had a second hand stall so you could get anything with the change in your purses.

This year instead of lining up for Santa we had tickets and if your number got called out you would go into see Santa. there was still a long cue but you didn’t have to be there you could be eating our cakes YUM!

Mrs MacDonald was in charge of the Raffle there was a children’s raffle but sadly I didn’t win I might win next year!

Port Ellenz Got Talent

On Friday 15th November Orsay did a talent show for P1-7. 1st place was Millie, Harmoni, they did a gymnastics routine and the reason we picked them for 1st place is because they were in sync with each other. 2nd place was Chloe, Iona, Evie Wood, they got 2nd place because they sang A Million Dreams and they were really in tune and it was brave of them to go up on stage and sing. 3rd place was Scott and Aiden Munro, the got 3rd place  because they were really funny at being mimes.

Port Ellen’s Book Swap

0n Friday 8th November our school had a book swap for the students of Port Ellen Primary. It was the Texas house that hosted the book swap. On the day everyone would bring in a book and swap it with books that the school provided for us. On the day every one took in a book to swap but primary 6/7 had to prepare the books to swap, so some people had to take some boxes with book in them to prepare. We did take to many up but that was not a problem. It took us up  till first break.

Each break a different class would come up to swap a book first break was primary 1-4 came up to was a book and left. The book swap went well.

Halloween at Port Ellen

On Halloween our school held a Halloween disco in the afternoon and a pumpkin carving competition in the morning, Almost everyone in the whole school brought their pumpkin into school. When I got into school I went to the hall to enter my pumpkin but I felt like I was in a swimming pool of pumpkins, some scary some nice some freaky some cute I also felt excited and nervous at the same time. I left my pumpkin on the table and went to class and after ordering our lunch and filling our water bottles it was time for the pumpkin competition so as we all hurriedly and excitedly went down the stairs sat in the hall yapping about if they would win. Then all of a sudden Mrs McDonald stood up and entered the hall as she loves the pumpkin competition. We all gave a big drum roll and she announced the winners, I can’t remember all of them but I remember primary 6 winner it was my friend Robyn Logan  and primary 7 was another friend of mine Harmoni  Edwards.

Then when the afternoon came round we got dressed up in out costume as it wouldn’t really be alright for us to spend the school day in our costumes, some brought make-up and some brought specific accessories for them to wear.  FINALLY it was time for the disco. we all trembled down the stairs again and when we got in the lights were of and the music was on so we all went to our friends to party. After about half an our of dancing Mrs McKenzie made us play a game were we where in groups and 1 from a group was a cat and another was a mouse and the chase began, so after the music was on and musical statues was a go. Then my favorite song came on dance Monkey!  After the disco it was home time so we all went on the bus or walked so that was Halloween for you.

by Kayla Gowler

The Mod 2019

On 14th of October in Port Ellen primary school and Bowmore primary went to the mod as a joint choir.In the morning poems and solos were held in the City Glasgow Collage.Out of the choir Chalet and Dearbhla got first in duets,and Finaly got second on his solo.Also Charlet got third for her solo and her poem.

Port Ellen almost won all of they’re songs except one song were another choir bet them by one mark. They sang five songs and won four. At the Mod they sang two to part songs were there is some people singing high and some singing low,Also knowen as alto and soprano The other three we all sang in the same notes. two songs were prescribed and one we chose are other song.

That same day later on they got filmed and were on TV. On TV they sang four songs.The next day they went bowling then after that went home went back to Islay on the boat.

By Caitidh


Maths Inside Challenge

In October we entered the maths inside challenge. When you enter you have to take a picture of some maths that you have done, then put the maths inside icon into the picture.

Dearbhla Newman, Harmoni Edwards, Aiden Munro and Drew Brown all got placed in the competition. Dearbhla Newman won the second level prize for writing her name in binary code she received a certificate and a £10 Amazon gift card. Harmoni Edwards got second level commended for the reflections of a rainbow and received a certificate. Aiden Munro got second level commended for taking a picture of weighing ingredients for baking and received a certificate . Drew Brown got second level commended for doing maths about the V&A in Dundee and received a certificate.

Well done everyone.

Scintillating Stirling!

By Orla Campbell, student reporter.

Schools from all over Islay and Jura went to Stirling, Scotland from Tuesday 24th of September to Friday the 27th of September. The trip was for socializing so that when students go up to high school they know other people. A lot of people who went on the trips favourite 3 activities were bowling, Stirling castle and the Dundee science centre.

On our last night at Stirling when group 2 was playing bowling Robyn Logan came 1st with 113 points, Orla Campbell came 2nd 106 points and Morgan McFarlane came 3rd with 104 points. On our 2nd day when the schools got put into groups they headed off to Stirling castle some groups found out some untold secrets about the room he slept in to the room he prayed in. Only half of 1 group out of 6 groups got shown the secret rooms. A lot of the students found the castle one of the most interesting. They also really loved teh magnificent Kelpies.  Then sadly on our last full day all students and teachers took a bus trip to Dundee and went the Dundee science centre to learn about chemistry and other little games around the ground floor. There were games like memory games, illusions, face changing games and more. There was also a medieval time workshop that had a few fun and experimental activities. Later they did chemistry such as explosions, bangs, fires and a few others things which were mind blowing.

We have a few opinions that we would like to share on peoples favourite activities like Christopher Jamison exclaimed;

“Blair Drummond safari park because of the exotic animals. “

Also Morgan McFarlane had an opinion or 2 on her favourite activity such as;

“The science centre was brilliant because there was a lot of fire, and I like fire! “

And finally we have Orla Campbell who had some strong points about her experience but she said;

“Probably the science centre was my favourite because there was so much to do and the chemistry workshop we done was outstanding! “

That’s all the opinions we have to let you know about just now, but my conclusion on the trip is that it is worth going on and I would recommend it if you get the opportunity.

Sean Batty Big Breakfast!

On Tuesday 3rd September Sean Batty was due to come to our school to have a fun, enjoyable big breakfast to raise money for the STV children’s Appeal. But unfortunately his plane was delayed by the weather.  We had the breakfast anyway and loads of people came and all the money we raised, £340, has gone straight to the appeal.

What were we having for Breakfast?

For the breakfast we had things like Sausage rolls, Toast, Cereals, muffins and best of all… Pancakes. Also there was be a selection of spreads and drinks and others to go along side our big breakfast.

About the Charity?

The STV children’s appeal is a charity which the money that is raised goes children and their families who are affected by poverty in Scotland. To raise money people who are associated with the charity ( Sean Batty in this case for us. ) they travel round Scotland going to different places like Schools to other eventful places.

What activities took place?

The main focus of this fundraiser was the big breakfast but our school also did some baking and we played a shopping bag game.  It was great fun and enjoyed by all the community!

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